Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 01:29 am EST

Geeklog Forums

Agggggg! Install problems - basic


OK, I like what I see with Geeklog. I just can't seem to understand the install process.

I speak enough *nix to understand the commands, I just don't understand how to integrate it into my site.

My site is hosted on a *nix box that I have ssh access to.
My www dir looks like this:
additional domain nams look like this:

<mydomainame> = www = public_html = html_docs

Where do I untar the geeklog.tar.gz file? If I drop it in the <mydomainname> dir, my URL looks like this:

<mydomainname>/geeklog1.3.8/public_html - not good.

Do I untar it at the <myaccountd> level, and do a symlink from <mydomainname> to public_html?

Thanks for any light you can shed,


OK, I\'m an idiot too.

I created the topic in the wrong area.
Could a moderator move it to the \"install\" area?

Thanks again,
-one of those days...

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
The best way is to have the geeklog public_html files at /hsphere/local/home// and have the rest at /hsphere/local/home//geeklog


Thanks for the quick answer. I worked on it again last night, and it seems to be workign. Thanks again!

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