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\"What\'s Related?\" block on articles

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Registered: 06/28/03
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Hi all! I\'ve started playing around with GeekLog some time ago, and now I\'m trying to write some articles on a GeekLog portal. When I wrote a draft of my first one, GeekLog very smartly summed up all the links in my article and put them in a \"What\'s Related\" block on the right side. However, after making some modifications and adding an image, all those links have disappeard from that block (although they\'re still in the article). Is this a bug, or am I just being stupid Confused Wink Oh, one more thing: shouldn\'t those links in an article open in a new browser window by default? Anyway, thanks in advance, I hope I haven\'t said any stupid newbie-things Big Grin
Yours sincerely,

Onno Broekmans

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Quote by onnodb:However, after making some modifications and adding an image, all those links have disappeard from that block (although they\'re still in the article). Is this a bug, or am I just being stupid Confused Wink
There\'s a similar report here but I haven\'t been able to pin that down yet. Can you provide an example to reproduce this?
Quote by onnodb:Oh, one more thing: shouldn\'t those links in an article open in a new browser window by default?
No. See some of my previous rants on that topic ... bye, Dirk

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Quote by Dirk:
Quote by onnodb:However, after making some modifications and adding an image, all those links have disappeard from that block (although they\'re still in the article).
There\'s a similar report here but I haven\'t been able to pin that down yet. Can you provide an example to reproduce this?
Hm... I\'ll try messing around with a test setup, to see if I can somehow reproduce the problem. It just *might* have something to do with adding images to the story, but I\'m not sure. I\'ll keep you updated on this.
Quote by Dirk:
Quote by onnodb:Oh, one more thing: shouldn\'t those links in an article open in a new browser window by default?
No. (snip)
Oops! Never mind, I added this comment while typing my message, it popped up. Apparently, there\'s a good reason for the current behaviour. Thanks.
Yours sincerely,

Onno Broekmans

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While experimenting with GeekLog, I think I\'ve found a relatively simple test case for this bug. Try adding an article that contains an image: GeekLog will forget about all links in the article! I hope this helps...
Yours sincerely,

Onno Broekmans

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Quote by onnodb:Try adding an article that contains an image: GeekLog will forget about all links in the article!
Thanks, I found something. I have to point you to CVS for the fix since the forum messes up the patch I wanted to post here ... You only need the last two highlighted changes (for the if(stristr) and if($code) lines). See if that helps. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/28/03
Posts: 6
Big Grin Great! Thanks a lot for your quick reply and great support! I\'ll try fixing it soon on my portal...
Yours sincerely,

Onno Broekmans

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