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How do I allow a user to only post to a particular tpoic

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Registered: 05/04/03
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OK, so I thought I knew GL pretty well, but I can\'t figure something out... How do I allow a user (or group) to post/edit stories in a particular topic only (nobody except admins have access right now)?

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Quote by TheRaftGuy:How do I allow a user (or group) to post/edit stories in a particular topic only
That sentence has too many options for simple answer ... What do you really want to accomplish? In general, Geeklog\'s philosophy is \"if you can see a topic, you can submit stories to it\". Editing is a different matter ... bye, Dirk


I use Geeklog for quite a few sites, and some of them do not allow posting of stories by anyone except a few topic editors. Currently all the topic managers can post/edit all topics, but I wanted to be able to restrict them to the topics that they manage. Read access is available to all users for all topics right now. The sites are mainly used for non-profit environmental organisations, with multiple branches in different parts of the country. I wanted each branch manager to be able to manage the stories in their own topics.

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Quote by TheRaftGuy: I use Geeklog for quite a few sites, and some of them do not allow posting of stories by anyone except a few topic editors.
As I said, that\'s not possible at the moment, unless you hide the submission link and/or hack Geeklog a bit.
Quote by TheRaftGuy:Currently all the topic managers can post/edit all topics, but I wanted to be able to restrict them to the topics that they manage.
That, however, should be possible if you assign each of these topics and their editors to separate groups. bye, Dirk


>That, however, should be possible if you assign each of these topics and their editors to separate groups. Not quite sure what you mean? Can I create a group for each editor which only allows him to edit a particular topic? If so, what rights do I give the group, and how do I set the rights for the topic?

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Quote by TheRaftGuy:Can I create a group for each editor which only allows him to edit a particular topic?
Sorry, missed a detail here: You can set up groups and users such that a story editor can only edit a certain topic. However, that only works when read access to that topic is also restricted to a group of users. Since all your topics are public (at least that\'s how I read your post) anyone with story.edit permission will be able to edit any story s/he can see. So it won\'t work for your setup. Sorry for the confusion. bye, Dirk


I guess I\'m going to have to do some kind of hack - any ideas about the best way to handle this one?

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this might be a temporary thing, but how about turning submission queues on and letting your admins make sure the stories are submitted to the right topic before publishing? Do they have to be in topics? I saw a staticpage editing hack around here somewhere where people can edit a certain staticpages without giving them story.edit permissions

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Registered: 07/12/03
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I\'m dealing with a slightly similar question myself...I want to have a topic to which only specific users can submit new stories (such as a monthly message to an organization, submitted by their president only). However, it seems that if a topic is visible, it is possible to submit a story to it--regardless of who you are. Yes, comments can be turned off, but that only works on a story-by-story basis. It would be nice if a topic could be strictly read-only, except for a specific user. As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this. I might just write a special block for this sort of thing.

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by fwoomp:However, it seems that if a topic is visible, it is possible to submit a story to it--regardless of who you are.
Quote by fwoomp:Yes, comments can be turned off, but that only works on a story-by-story basis.
If you set $_CONF[\'comment_code\'] = -1; (in config.php) then comments will be turned off for all stories by default (and can be turned on again on a story-by-story basis). bye, Dirk (insert standard disclaimer about missing closing square bracket here)

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Registered: 09/07/02
Posts: 6
Quote by Dirk:
Quote by TheRaftGuy:Can I create a group for each editor which only allows him to edit a particular topic?
Since all your topics are public (at least that\'s how I read your post) anyone with story.edit permission will be able to edit any story s/he can see. bye, Dirk
So what would it take to add that particular capability -- to be able to grant read/edit/submit access separately by group?

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Registered: 09/04/05
Posts: 12
praying it will work Two years later it would be still nice to allow an Editor to be read/write/edit active in one Topic alone, without giving him/her any right to do more a a standard user in a topic (Read).

Has someone found an easy solution for that?

I think what could at leat be done easily is hiding during using story.php?mode=edit the Topics (function COM_topicList?) one is no assigned to as a statement in like

global $_USER;
$result = DB_QUERY( "SELECT *
FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}, {$_TABLES['groups']}, {$_TABLES['group_assignments']}, {$_TABLES['users']}
WHERE group_id=grp_id And grp_id=ug_main_grp_id And ug_uid=uid And uid = {$_USER['uid']}") ;

(As MySQL does noet accept multiple inner joins)

where the statement is now

$result = DB_query( "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}" . COM_getPermSQL()
. " ORDER BY $select_set[$sortcol]" );


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