Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, September 14 2024 @ 08:51 pm EDT
Geeklog Forums
menu plugin problem
Installed the menu plugin and it is awesome. I have notiiced that child menus that do not expand still have the chevron next to them. Is there any way to get rid fo them. for example
topic ID | | Label | | Sort
animals_ | | Animals | | 40
animals_herbivores_ | | Herbivores | | 41
animals_hervivores_ cows | | Cows | | 42
The menu still places a chevron after cows even though the topic id does not end with a \'_\' and has no submenus underneath it.?? I noticed that some othersites using the plugin do not do this so I am bit perpllexed as to what I have done wrong Any help would be appreciated . Mark
topic ID | | Label | | Sort
animals_ | | Animals | | 40
animals_herbivores_ | | Herbivores | | 41
animals_hervivores_ cows | | Cows | | 42
The menu still places a chevron after cows even though the topic id does not end with a \'_\' and has no submenus underneath it.?? I noticed that some othersites using the plugin do not do this so I am bit perpllexed as to what I have done wrong Any help would be appreciated . Mark
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