Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, October 09 2024 @ 08:36 am EDT

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Is it ethical not to include \'powered by geeklog\' at the footer?

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Yes, it is. Dirk has posted in the past here that the footer credit is totally optional. You can keep it there or remove it, your choice.

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Registered: 06/22/03
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ic i was thinking of removing it to make the site look more pro.. but was feeling bad for not crediting geeklog. now that dirk has given the permission... thanks! btw, is this phpBB?

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No, this is Blaine\'s Geeklog Forum Plugin. p.s. an ABOUT button leading to a thanks to GL, MYSQL and PHP looks pretty pro as well.

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I would say the discussion about a company reselling GL to corporate clients was enlightening on the subject. In any case what I\'m starting to do is to put a footer that says: \"Managed by xxxxxx\" or \"Hosted courtesy of XXXXX\" That links to a page that explains AT THE VERY TOP that this application is run on Geeklog, a wonderful open source codebase and a link to GL. That way you are above board and explain things to people. If you are a consultant you can even explain that opensource is sometimes time consuming to install and manage, and that you offer the customization/implementation service for a fee. Or users can go spend 80 manhours learning, testing, reading the forums at GL and have some fun Smile Good luck

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