Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 11:00 pm EST

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New WsIwYg Editor


Hello All I am a Geeklog Newbie who is very grateful for all the work people have done. Especially Grateful to Dirk who provides such great support to everyone. So here is my Fiirst Contribution. (I think). Great on line HTML editor called Spaw Editor from www.Solmetra.com. I am finishing off a test but with some tweaking it seems to work in geeklog. It allows for tables to be edited etc. Check it out ! Mark

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"MS Internet Explorer 5.5 or above is required." :-( bye, Dirk


Agreed but its the best free one out there thats available. (At least that I found) I am just finishing of the code tweak so that it will degrade to a text box if the browser is not msie 5.5. It was relatively simple to do as I am quite a newbie programmer relatively speaking.


How does this compare to HTML-Area, which already gracefully degrades when it encounters non-qualifying browsers? If you want to add a feature that HTML Area lacks, you could incorporate an image upload and storage routine. That would be useful.

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PHP Image Manager for HtmlArea 2.03 is a replacement for the insert image function. I've installed it and it works great. For more info go <a href=http://www.interactivetools.com/iforum/Open_Source_C3/htmlArea_Add-Ons_F19/PHP_Image_Manager_for_HtmlArea_2.03_P6391/>here</a>


can you please post the code tweak when it's finished? Thanks! I would like to try this with my other geeklog site. I'm already using HTMLarea with another site - I'm gonna compare the 2 to see which one the users prefer.


actually SPAW degrades to simple textarea out of the box. You don't need to code anything for this to happen Smile

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OK. It looks really nice. But I am not able to impliment it with GL. I have been trying all day. Have you done it successfully? Sam

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