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Recurring Events for GL

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 33
I'm interested in finding someone who will create a recurring events hack for the GL system. It needs to be an event hack that allows you to create one event that happens say every other Sunday or something like that. Currently with the GL events module you have to actually go and add that event for every occurence... i.e., enter the event for March 2nd but then you have to go and enter the event for March 9th too. It would work much better if you just entered the event once and the calendar automatically populated the event for every other Sunday for a specific period of time. Does that make sense? I'm willing to pay a small fee of say $50.00 for the hack. I know that's just a token but I hope it's enough to entice someone into taking this project on. Anyone else out there who wants to chip in? Smile Thanks! -Ken PS - If someone knows of an existing hack please let me know.

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Registered: 06/24/02
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What exactly are you looking for? It would be possible to write a hack that supports "make 5/10/N (where N is an integer) copies of this event spaced every/every other day/month/year". Such a hack would probably only take a couple days to put together.

To support recurring events more generically, such as "recur this event every year indefinitely", would require a complete rewrite and redesign of the current calendar code.

I'm planning on writing a calendar module/plugin for GL2 that will support recurring events (and the iCal specification). I'll begin working on it once the API spec has been released.

In the meantime, if the basic hack described in the first paragraph is sufficient, send me a email with your requirements and I'll see what I can do. -Vinny


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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 33
I'm looking for something where I can make one entry for an event that occurs once a week/month/year to be repeated X times. So it might look like: __ non-recurring __ recurring __ times every ___ the first two (recurring and non-recurring) being radio boxes or check boxes, "__ times" being a drop down with a specified number limit of times to recur the event, and "every __" being a drop down with options being something like "week" "two weeks" "month" "two months" "quarter" "year". Does that make sense?

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Registered: 03/08/03
Posts: 3
Has this hack been created? I'd really like to get ahold of it, too. I'm running a gaming event site, and there are plenty of places that have X event every other week. Thanks!


Ditto! Definitely! I don't have any money to offer though, I'm running a nonprofit website volunteer. Frown

If I have to wait for 2.0, so be it! But if someone has some sort of fix earlier that'd be wonderful.

By the way, I AM enjoying geeklog, everyone says the site's just great. Smile I still have yet to figure out how to change some stuff in the code, as I am a PHP lightweight (I like to make the pretty web pictures, not program!) but it's well laid out, it's just me and my crappy programming background. Smile

The website if anyone really cares!! (Please no flaming, this site is somewhat controversial if you are a devout non-questioner of authority...)

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