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Geeklog & phpicalendar

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I don't know if this is possibile but I would like to hear people's comments on this idea. I want to replace geeklog's built in calendar with phpicalendar (http://phpicalendar.sourceforge.net/nuke/index.php) while keeping it fully integrated with the rest of geeklog. I still want it to remain within the geeklog frame, that it is i don't want to simply just link to it. Also I would like it to still show up in the events block when a new item is posted. I want it to look like that the calendar is in fact part of geeklog. Please post any comments or ideas you have.


I looked at the code. I don't think it would be hard to integrate this into Geeklog. There's no authentication or login system, no templates, and no databases. I wrapped two pages, there also doesn't seem to be a conflict in global variables. The problems I see are: 1) The pages are pretty wide. When you add left blocks, IMO it makes them too wide. Tweaking the tables to fit better will probably require some work. 2) The events block would have to be thought out because this script allows multiple calendars. Which one should be displayed for upcoming events? A predetermined main calendar, some other one, or a combination of all. 3) The preferences feature doesn't work. I'm not sure how much effort it would take to get it functioning. 4) There is no icalendar input feature. I guess they want you to generate the calendar on your computer and then upload it via FTP? If a browser input is desired, that would have to built from scratch which would require learning the format used by ical.

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I know this won't help in the short term, but once the GL2 plugin spec comes out I plan on putting together a Calendar plugin based on the iCal standard. I was planning on using some code from phpicalendar, though phpicalendar is very limited in that it only displays a previously generated icalendar. If you'd like help me with this, let me konw and we can get together once GL2 starts making some progress. I've already done a bit of preliminary work, but the real programming won't start until the GL2 Plugin API starts coming together. -Vinny


Funny, I requested the same at phpicalendar's site yesterday. I think this would be fantastic. It would be great if there were some geeklog user level variables created for the config.include.php file, stored in mysql, so that each user could set up to x calendars they want to subscribe to and the option to show a geeklog site global calendar or not in their selection list, which is the default calendar, and what the view default is Scott

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Thanks a lot for your input on the idea. I don't think the page width will take too much work to tweak. The events block I am not too sure about because i don't know that much about writing geeklog blocks but perhaps a geeklog developer could help us with that. In terms of which calender should be displayed: for my individual uses I would say one main calendar, mainly becuase that would really be all I needed. I hadn't thought about the browser input feature until you mentioned it. Phpicalender is designed for you to publish your calendar right out of apple's ical and is one of the reasons I found it appealing. However, because of this people without ical wouldn't be able to add events and neither would I if away from ical. Because of this a web input method would probably be required. However, rather than making it from scratch maybe we could tweak geeklog's built in calendar input form. If you or anybody else has any other ideas please post back. Even better if anybody has any code ideas, please post that too.

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That sounds pretty interesting and I would love to help however I can.

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Registered: 03/26/03
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Hey all, I'm currently working on a mod to geeklog's built in calendar that will allow different events to be displayed depending on what group the event is assigned to when it's saved. If anyone is interested, I can share the code I've written so far (I'm learning PHP as I go). I would definitely like to share my results when it's finished, but if anyone wants to help, or has advice, let me know.

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I would love this feature, especially integrated with a WebDAV posted iCal file. Currently, I have a link to the .mac hosted iCal file in a downloads section, and manually update the Geeklog calendar so the upcoming events block shows upcoming events. Pain to do post to 2 places (iCal & Geeklog calendar).

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Can we scrape together some $ to pay someone to do a good calendar implementation that is a plug-in? Nice interface Repeatable events (week, month, year) Group assignment so you can see Calendar:Group1 or Calendar:ALL ...

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I will chip in a few bucks.

I have been trying to integrate Calogic at www.calogic.de, and gave up on it because couldn\'t figure out how to make the calogic recognize the GL login. That callender has all the recurring features most people need. Philip, the programmer of calogic himself was thinking about making it a plugin but haven\'t heard any progress. He must be busy. Or maybe because I was the only one asking. If you guys join in and convince him the demand, he might be motivated.


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I'm starting to put together a schema for a totally reworked calendar for geeklog. Since I have to do this is my free time, there is do definitive time line for me to get this done. I will likely be borrowing some code from phpicalendar and webcalendar so hopefully that will speed things up. Once I have the schema to a workable format I'll post it for comment. Right now I plan support for the iCalendar standard including recurring events and full integration into geeklog (events will be owned by a person and rights on it can be assigned to a group, etc).

Again, no time line. Just wanted to post that this is in the works. Feel free to send email: http://www.geeklog.net/profiles.php?uid=1461


P.S. I accept donations. Smile

willing to pay

I too am willing to help fund development of this module Mark (markweiss@mail.com)

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