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What to do if magic_quotes_* are active in your system.

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Registered: 12/09/02
Posts: 1
If you use an ISP to host your page, and you are unable to properly install geeklog because they have magic_quotes_* active you can simple edit config.php and lib-common.php and add the following two lines: <? #START ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc","0"Wink; ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime,"0"Wink; #END That should allow you properly install and access your geeklog site. In order to verify if they run magic_quotes you can just type, in a browser, the following url: http://www.yoursite.com/admin/install/info.php Then, go through each option until you locate the following two lines: magic_quotes_gpc magic_quotes_runtime

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Just a note: Geeklog should work fine (well, more or less ...) with magic_quotes_qpc=on, but it won't work at all when magic_quotes_runtime=on. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/22/02
Posts: 18
Better yet, find a better webhost. There's certainly no shortage of webhosts out there and some excellent ones are suffering due to lack of clients because people choose to stick with bad ones who don't honor their requests. I would personally go to the Webhosting Talk or Rackshack forum, and negotiate directly with a server admin for webspace and the exact features you need. Cheaper that way, too. Smile

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