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staticpages frontpage for only anonymous users

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I have a site that requires that you sign in before you can access any features. I have created a staticpages frontpage nonews article.

The problem is that I didn't want this to be what people see after they sign in. Once signed in, I wanted people to see the regular collection of stories.

I found a very simple hack of the staticpages hack in index.php.

Find the line that says:

if (( empty($topic) ) )

and change it to:

if (( empty($topic) ) && (empty($_USER['uid'])) )

Now the staticpages hack tests for both no topic and no userid (an anonymous visitor).


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Thanks, that's just what I want to do. Problem is, the line you indicated to look for does not appear in the index.php that I have for staticpages. Version problem maybe? The version I have has this at the top (for version checking purposes) // $Id: index.php,v 1.3 2002/04/23 04:22:03 mlimburg Exp $ I'm not clever enough w/PHP to find the corresponding place and change it...


there are a few lines that say if (( empty($topic) ) ), but none of them are an exact match. is there an approximate line #? or...?

more questions still to come.


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if one follows these steps, what will the registered users see?----me
-Adam O'Donnell

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Registered: 09/24/02
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Right now version 1.38 is actual. As in Id: index.php,v 1.38 2002/12/01 10:12:18 dhaun Exp
You should find the first line with something like if (empty ($topic)) and edit there.
Nevertheless I have another solution posted in another comment.

~ Alex

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Posts: 10
You should find the first line saying something like if (empty ($topic)) and edit there.
Should be around line 76 or so.
Nevertheless I posted another solution in another comment.

~ Alex

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The loggid in user might see nothing... Frown
I posted a solution for this in another comment.

~ Alex

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Registered: 09/24/02
Posts: 10
Got a solution for the problem of either showing the static page to anonymous users or not showing a page to loggid in users.
You could do something like this:
Text Formatted Code
// Get the title of the static page to use
if (empty ($topic)) {
    // Anonymous user get a special frontpage
    if ( empty($_USER['uid']) ) {
        $staticpage_title = 'anonymous_frontpage';
    } else {
        $staticpage_title = 'frontpage';
Then the system choses the normal static page named 'frontpage' and shows it to every logged in user - or it choses 'anonymous_frontpage' and shows it to anonymous users.
So you can have a static page 'anonymous_frontpage' with content for anonymous users and a page 'frontpage' for logged in users.
Haven't yet found a way to do both but I think this solution might be better than nothing. Wink
BTW this also works with the hack by James Fryer where you can add a static page to every topic.

~ Alex

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