Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, July 26 2024 @ 10:10 pm EDT

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Revised non-block Profile template available

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Forum User
Registered: 04/23/02
Posts: 28
Tonight I replaced the User Profile page (the one you get when you click a username's link). The old version was built with blocks around tables, which I disliked. My new version is built with just tables, and I think it looks much nicer. You can see a screenshot of just the profile area (no surrounding blocks or header, but they are there on the real page) here (PNG format).

If you'd like this new look, you need to replace three files in your theme: profile.thtml, commentrow.thtml, and storyrow.thtml. The source for all three files is in the rest of this article...profile.thtml:
Text Formatted Code
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width=85% bgcolor="#000033">
  <tr bgcolor=#BBC8DF>
    <td colspan=2 align=center>
      <span class="articleTitle">USER INFORMATION FOR '{username}'</span>
  <tr valign="top" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
    <td align="right">
      <span class="story"><b>{lang_username}:</b></span>
      <span class="story">{username} ({user_fullname})<br>{user_photo}</span>
  <tr valign="top" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
    <td align="right">
      <span class="story"><b>{lang_membersince}:</b></span>
      <span class="story">{user_regdate}</span>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  <td align="right">
    <span class="story"><b>{lang_number_stories}</b></span>
    <span class="story">{number_stories}</span>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td align="right">
  <span class="story"><b>{lang_number_comments}</b></span>
  <span class="story">{number_comments}</span>
<tr valign="top" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
  <td align="right">
    <span class="story"><b>{lang_email}:</b></span>
  <td><span class="story">
    <a href="{site_url}/profiles.php?uid={user_id}">{lang_sendemail}</a></span>
  <tr valign="top" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
    <td align="right">
      <span class="story"><b>{lang_homepage}:</b></span>
      <span class="story"><a href="{user_homepage}">{user_homepage}</a></span>
  <tr valign="top" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>  
    <td align="right">
      <span class="story"><b>{lang_bio}:</b></span>
      <span class="story">{user_bio}</span>
  <tr valign="top" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
    <td align="right">
      <span class="story"><b>{lang_pgpkey}:</b>
      <span class="story">{user_pgp}</span>
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="85%" bgcolor="#000033">
  <tr bgcolor=#BBC8DF>
    <td colspan=3 align=center>
      <span class="articleTitle">LAST 10 STORIES</span>
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="85%" bgcolor="#000033">
  <tr bgcolor=#BBC8DF>
    <td colspan=3 align=center>
      <span class="articleTitle">LAST 10 COMMENTS</span>
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="85%" bgcolor="#000033">
  <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <td align=center>
      <!-- Enter the following A HREF as one row with NO SPACES! -->
      <span class="story"><a href="{site_url}/search.php?query=&datestart=&dateend=&topic=0&type=all&author={user_id}&mode=search"><b>{lang_all_postings_by}</b></a>

Text Formatted Code
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  <td width=5%><span class="story">{row_number}</span></td>
  <td width=55%><span class="story">{story_begin_href}{story_title}{story_end_href}</span></td>
  <td width=40%><span class="story">{story_date}</span></td>
Text Formatted Code

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  <td width=5%><span class="story">{row_number}</span></td>
  <td width=55%><span class="story">{comment_begin_href}{comment_title}{comment_end_href}</span></td>
  <td width=40%><span class="story">{comment_date}</span></td>

Just replace these in your theme, and you should have the new look! Play around with the style sheets to get the customized view you wish to use... -rob.

All times are EDT. The time is now 10:10 pm.

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