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Static Page Menu Sort

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Location:Austin, TX
I'm toying with the idea of adding a piece of code in editor.thtml in /path/to/geeklog/../plugins/staticpages/templates/admin/ that will allow me to manually sort the menu items as they appear. The current code is: <td> <input type="checkbox" name="sp_onmenu" [onmenu_checked]&nbsp;&nbsp;[lang_label]: <input type="text" name="sp_label" size="48" maxlength="64" value="[sp_label]"> </td> I'm thinking of adding this line before </td>: <input type="text" name="sp_id" size="2" maxlength="3" value="[sp_id]"> Of course substitute [] brackets for swirly brackets as I can't seem to put them in here. Would this work in allowing me to manually set the sp_id to whatever I wish? Oh yes, and I already modified line 54 of functions.inc to reflect "ORDER BY sp_id" as opposed to the default of "ORDER BY sp_label." So? Will this work? I'm leery of implementing this idea in fear of screwing up my static pages, so I'm asking the O' Great GL Gurus here...
L. Whitworth

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Registered: 07/11/02
Posts: 181
Location:Austin, TX
With the release of Static Pages 1.1, this post has become kind of redundant. You can remove it, Dirk! ... Please?
L. Whitworth

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