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Integration Hack Request


This isn't a hack, just a request for one. vBulletin has really grown into a huge message board system that uses PHP and mySQL, just like GeekLog. I'm looking for a integration hack between GeekLog and vBulletin where they would use the same users and permissions. So, if someone was a Administrator on the bulletin board they would also be one on the site using GeekLog. Is this possible or am I just dreaming?

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Such integrations are not trivial. I did the phpBB hack and was able to make it as simple as possible and it is still a pain to get working right. You won't see any of the main GL developers do this for you as the phpBB hack seems to be good enough for now (granted you have the patience to work through a few issues) and we've decided, internally, that GL has 98% of the data structures needed to provide it's own BB-type functionality so integrating with other packages, at this time, is a lower priority. My guess is if you want this done you'll have to offer up some money OR be willing to split the workload with someone else who wants the same thing. Just a suggestion...
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You may consider talking to Rob griffiths about this. You can reach him at his web site macosxhints.com. Rob uses vBulletin as well, I believe he integrated a few things but not the two UI's, that is, they are each separate sites sharing the same members DB.

But, if you want a really fast "get it done in a day" type hack. Just use iFrame to link the forums into Geeklog. You can see a sample here:

http://www.geeklog.net/staticpages/ index.php?page=20020514232219945

What you're looking at is a Canadian directory listing site embeded into Geeklog using the iFrame tag. The code looks like this:

<iframe src="http://canada411.smpatico.ca/" width=100% height= 90% scroll=no frameborder=0>
Looks like your browser doesn't support inline fraes. Click <a href= "http://canada411.sympatico.ca/" target=_blank>here</a> to view Canadian Phone Numbers in a new window.

I think you can manage to figure out the links on your own. The only remaining trick is that you need to create a Static Page that has the code (above) in it. This code links to your forums site which will now get embeded into Geeklog the same way the Directory Listing is. Just make sure none of the posted links are hardcoded to open links to _top otherwise the forums page will take over.

Best I can do,
have fun,


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but that does not solve the problewm of integrating a forum with GL's user name and password. But as Tony has suggest, since GL does have the capbility of having a forum built just for GL, when wil it be implemented? I see many are interested in having this. We wouldn't want (or we ourselves) to have to register twice on a website, one to be it's member (Geeklog) and one just to post a message in the forum.

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there are so many message boards system on SF.net (see http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=95) and there's isn't one that can work seamlessly with GL? or at least one that just needs miro tweaking or hack to get it working to GL???

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No it isn't, i have sigup as a member on the site just to test the function and the integration, i can log in on tha main page (Geeklog function) but i cannot login to the VBulletin forum using the same userID and password. Please check your sources before you try helping others so as not to waste anybody's time. i get the error - Invalid username. Please press the back button, enter the correct username and try again.


Isn't vBulletin a commercial project? And if it is, doesn't that mean you can't combine it with a GPL product and vice versa. Or does sharing logins and sessions info not necessarily require actually combining code, just passing data?

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Yes, the phpBB one I did gets GL to work with with phpBB seemlessly (one login). Still a far cry from elegant but it works. See <a href="http://www.iowaoutdoors.org">my site</a> for a working example.
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Again, see my site, http://www.iowaoutdoors.org. This does what you want.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


vBulletin is a commercial code. I don't know the laws on using the same databases and stuff like that though.

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You can intergrate a GPL solution with a commercial solution for your own needs. You just can't sell it.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.

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You can't re-distribute the modified files either, which is a real kick in the nutz. You would have to doc-ument everything and then folks would have to modify there own files from the doc-uments. Sounds fairly easy, until you have 100 newbies emailing you asking why their forum doesn't work or why it gives this error/that error.

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I think that *censored*ing censormode doesn't censor document any more ;-)

bye, Dirk


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Ok, well first of all, I think you should calm down. You're being a little rude towards me for trying to *help* you. After re-reading my post and contacting Rob Griffiths of Macosxhints it's quite clear you did not correctly read my post or even contact Rob. I have confirmation from Rob that you never spoke to him, so you're just blowing hot air with your flip remarks. 1) I never said he integrated it. But this is possible since you get the source for vBulletin. So as long as you're not reselling it or giving it away you can do whatever you want. What I *did* say was that Rob managed to get his users info FROM his geeklog DB INTO the vBulletin DB. Thus at the very least saving your memebers from signing up a second time. So I am correct in what I clearly stated. 2) My iFrames hack works perfectly as a temporary solution, which is all I promissed. This is an open source community with people trying to help each other. If you don't like the suggestions then please ignore them, shitting on people will only form a stigma around you and lable you a dork. I'd like to clear up another area as well, bulletin boards are projects unto themselves. They require lots of time to integrate into a system they were not designed for. You seem quite irrate with Geeklog for not supporting them. Fortunately Tony has been kind enough to integrate PHPBB into Geeklog for us. If you would like to spearhead an integration effort for another bulletin board system then let us know. We'll be glad to offer suggestions. Sincerely, Simon Lord


I'm about to set up an online community for a university Student Association on Geeklog, and would like to plug in phpBB if possible. Tony, can you offer any pointers on how you did it? Otherwise, is there any indication of when the oft-mentioned development of a geekog plugin/upgrade forum? I see many people asking, but no replies.... Thanks, Euan McKay.

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