Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, January 21 2025 @ 01:20 pm EST

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Writing in the middle block?


I really want to write things in the centre of the page. It's not gonna be very technical stuff, just some writing, but how would i do this?
I would quite like to use HTML in it, and make it look like a story block?
Thanks, please help

Paul Mah

You can either make a blank page from scratch, or make use of the staticpage plugin. If it is from scratch, you would have to put in the relevant COM_siteHeader, COM_startBlock, COM_endBlock, COM_siteFooter to generate the layout based on current theme (Quoting it from memory so I might remember wrongly). Then just insert your HTML / PHP appropriately. You might like to refer to some of the core files like calendar as reference - its not that hard actually. Alternatively, you can just use the staticpage plugin, of which v1.1 is bundled with the Geeklok-1.3.6. The main advantage over the formal method is that your HTML (or PHP) becomes searchable.

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Registered: 07/17/02
Posts: 9
Hi Have you gotten anything in the middle block yet? What I did was created a block and a link to HTML page. The HTML page can looks like this: <?php require_once('lib-common.php'); echo COM_siteHeader('menu'); // use 'menu' if you want the left blocks $PostDate = date("l - F d, Y"Wink; // puts the date in the middle ?> <p> <p>Today is: <? echo "$PostDate"?> <?php echo COM_siteFooter(); // use yes if you want the right blocks echo $display; ?>


How about... ( i hope this is related) I would like to find out how can i start my center block with a small piece of a static page, and then the little stories blocks that follow. That is that first little piece of static page always stays, in all the site. It should even be above the Featured article block thing. I don't mind php code.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Create a static page and name it "Frontpage". bye, Dirk


k i am assuming then that this options is embedded into geeklog, now where in the code can i find this so that i can change stuff...ie, call it something other than frontpage?

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