Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 11:09 am EDT

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Filemgmt last 10 downloads?


Has anyone wrote a block that displays latest X additions to the download database with a direct link to the file?

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Registered: 01/21/02
Posts: 269
I believe the Filemgmt plugin already does this in the What's New block? Blaine provides the code required to list the "what's new" for downloads. You can see a working version here.
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////////Start code/////// function phpblock_topdown() { global $LANG_FILEMGMT, $_FM_TABLES, $_CONF; $stat_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'stats'); $stat_templates->set_file(array('itemstats'=>'itemstatistics.thtml', 'statrow'=>'singlestat.thtml')); if ($showsitestats == 1) { } else { $result = DB_query("SELECT lid, title, hits from {$_FM_TABLES['filemgmt_filedetail']} WHERE hits > 0 ORDER BY hits desc LIMIT 10"Wink; $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows > 1) { $stat_templates->set_var('item_label',"Last 10 Files"Wink; $stat_templates->set_var('stat_name',"Hits"Wink; for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows && $i < 10; $i++) { list ($lid, $title,$hits) = DB_fetchARRAY($result); $stat_templates->set_var('item_url', $_CONF[site_url]. "/filemgmt/singlefile.php?lid=".$lid); $stat_templates->set_var('item_text', str_replace( '$', '$', substr( $title, 0, 19 ) )); $stat_templates->set_var('item_stat', $hits); $stat_templates->parse( 'stat_row', 'statrow', true ); } $stat_templates->parse( 'output', 'itemstats' ); $retval .= $stat_templates->finish($stat_templates->get_var('output')); } else { } } return $retval; } ////////end code/////////

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