Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 05:53 am EST
Geeklog Forums
Integrated Site Calendar Block
The calendar is now integrated and clicking on any date will do an advanced search for all site activity for that date. This will show all new articles, comments etc that were posted or entered for that date.
Additionally, any scheduled main calendar events will show up as hightlighed dates. The event description will display if you hover the mouse over the date - first event only if more then 1 on that date.
I've fixed a few other bugs and now use CSS class for the display fonts and background colors - so each theme can have it's own colors.
Also included in the archive is a help file, for the block.
You can download this from my site here or shortly from www.squatty.com

- Normal Topic
- Sticky Topic
- Locked Topic
- New Post
- Sticky Topic W/ New Post
- Locked Topic W/ New Post
- View Anonymous Posts
- Able to post
- Filtered HTML Allowed
- Censored Content