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Integrated Site Calendar Block

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
Version 2.0 of my calendar block is now available and includes many new features and enhancements.

The calendar is now integrated and clicking on any date will do an advanced search for all site activity for that date. This will show all new articles, comments etc that were posted or entered for that date.

Additionally, any scheduled main calendar events will show up as hightlighed dates. The event description will display if you hover the mouse over the date - first event only if more then 1 on that date.

I've fixed a few other bugs and now use CSS class for the display fonts and background colors - so each theme can have it's own colors.

Also included in the archive is a help file, for the block.

You can download this from my site here or shortly from www.squatty.com




It seems that the location field isn't being pulled into the search results. I also noticed that the "location" text box's contents in the events entry admin page do not show up on calendar_event.php. Other than that, this is an awesome block! Thanks!! : DB :

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
Thanks Jameson - saw that you had it running on your site Smile The location for events is not being retrieved and the problem is in the GL search logic. This also is the case if you try a manual advanced search. I've also seen this same behaviour on my 1.3.6RC1 install. Doing a little investigation led me to see a few other problems with search and events. Note: These are not related to the block - I rely on existing search functionality. Blaine

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Registered: 04/25/02
Posts: 154
Since upgrading from 1.3.6.rc to 1.3.6 I have a problem with the events calendar block. The dates with events are correctly indicated with color and mouseover text that includes the event title. BUT when you click on the date, you are taken to the search page with no results. If you enter a phrase from the event on the search page, the event is found. FYI: I have not completed the upgrade since I am still waiting on instructions for upgrading the database. The existing events are still found in the database, so I don't think the changes still to be made are affecting this block.

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
Sounds lile you did not re-apply all the changes required to search.php.
I have a clean modified 1.3.6 search.php for the Site Calendar Block on my site HERE




Yes, that was the problem. The 1.3.6 install replaced the search.php and I didn't remember that modifications had been made. It's too bad that the changes necessary in search.php can't be incorporated into a function maintained in lib-custom. It would greatly simplify the upgrade process.

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
I agree and debated how best to add this search feature to the calendar block. Since I wanted to display all site changes (links, articles and comments) and also include all permission checks and access checks, I esentially would be duplicating the code in search.php. I could just copy search.php to create a new file which is referenced and distributed - yes. I would also need to update it when there are changes - as was the case with 1.3.6, a lot of permission related bugs were addressed. This seamed like a waste and duplication - and I agree, it would make upgrades easier. I really don't like to modify the GL program files but frequently my blocks and Plugins do require these changes to improve the integration. It would have been nice in this case, if there was a search object that I could have called. Blaine

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