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Server Uptime Block

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Forum User
Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
I have created a block that displays Server Uptime (UNIX only) and will graphically display the status of key services. You can see the block running here

The block can be configured to just display the server uptime and/or the graphical status of the services.
I would normally not enable this block for all users. I have disabled the remote access (socket) for mySQL since GL runs locally, so RED in this case is a good indication.

The block and readme install notes are available for download - check it out using the download block (bottom right on my site).



im getting this error when i enable the server uptime Warning: Failed opening '/var/www/ChkService/ChkService.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/system/lib-custom.php on line 79 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_uptime() in /var/www/system/lib-custom.php on line 82 i check the lines and on line 79 its the path and its right.... on line 82 its a error with get_uptime() not sure why theres a error now....i remember i usto have this enabled a long time ago...but now dosent seem to work... also "YES" i did set the path and IP in the ChkService.php


I can't find anywhere to d/l this block. Is it still available?



Since I couldn't find it anywhere, I wrote my own.

Add this to the lib-custom.php file and create a block to it.

Text Formatted Code

/* Jeremy's attempt at an uptime block */
function phpblock_uptime() {
    $retval .= ' ';

    $uptime = exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime");
    $days = floor($uptime/60/60/24);
    $hours = $uptime/60/60%24;
    $mins = $uptime/60%60;
    $secs = $uptime%60;
    $retval .= $days . ' days' . $hours . ' hours' . $mins . ' minutes' . $secs . ' seconds';  

    return $retval;


Obviously, this only works on Linux/Unix and you have to be able exec using PHP.



For some reason, the br tags not showing up in the above code segment. It should be

/* Jeremy's attempt at an uptime block */
function phpblock_uptime() {
$retval .= ' ';

$uptime = exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime&quotWink;
$days = floor($uptime/60/60/24);
$hours = $uptime/60/60%24;
$mins = $uptime/60%60;
$secs = $uptime%60;
$retval .= $days . ' days<br />' . $hours . ' hours<br />' . $mins . ' minutes<br />' . $secs . ' seconds';

return $retval;

Status: offline


Forum User
Registered: 07/24/04
Posts: 63
Location:Lewiston, Idaho
Excellent block; works great. Thanks!
"Beauty... is the shadow of God on the universe." ~ Gabriela Mistral -- Desolacíon


Here's an alternative for the "code challenged" such as myself....Hahaha

The Uptime Project

Can someone help me


Here is a server uptime that that fits right in the block and works on windows IIS servers. you will have to enable the extension=php_w32api.dll in the php.ini file though.

$api = new win32;
$api->registerfunction("bool QueryPerformanceCounter (float &lpPerformanceCount) From kernel32.dll");
$api->registerfunction("bool QueryPerformanceFrequency (float &lpPerformanceFrequency) From kernel32.dll");

$c = $a/$b;
$days = floor($c / 86400);
echo gmstrftime("System uptime is:
$days Days
%H Hr
%M Min
%S Sec
", $c);

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