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creating plugins


Is there anything that anyone would love to see for gl_plugins... So far long time ago someone asked me to create a reall hack .. and they requested an email notification forperonal events.. ok i did that .. i did the memo system.. what else would you guys like to see .. so that i can work on it.. =)(recomended for thoghs who cant create any)by: xlordt

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I would love to see the recipe program at http://phprecipebook.sourceforge.net turned into a plugin. It does not seem that it would be all that difficult, but then again, I am not a php programmer.


err.. ok this sounds like a personal plugin.. i dont know if anyone else would love to see that ported in to gl... but anyways lets see

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I have been to several GL sites and a ton of Nuke sites that have recipe sections. Most of them seem to be Family sites. I own a hosting company and would be willing to offer Hosting in trade for this.


well i do this.. to learn more on php.. this is why i posted this.. i wont do it for your hosting but i will do it.. cause it would be good practice for me and not only that but. cause you where kind enough to offer something back.. again i dont need your hosting.. but maybe in the near feature you can do something good for someone else... Smile how can we stay in contact.. so that you can show me a sample of this desire of yours..?

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You can get to me at austin@linford.net.


I'm working on a site where I'd like to be able to divide users into two groups -- professionals and amateurs. I'd like the amateurs to be able to see everyone's article and comment postings, but I'd like to offer the professionals the option of screening out postings submitted by amateurs. Any help you could provide with this would be great!


There's an option to do this under the user functions. A person can check which aliases he doesn't want to read posts from. I noticed this works on stories but the ignored posters' comments will still show up.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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I would love to see someone do a recurring events fix for the calendar system... it's not a plugin per se but it would be awesome and it's much needed! Smile Peace, Ken


i created a hack for that.. that will email you the event on that certain date that the even is suppost to start


How about a gallery plugin that allows for voting on each of the images, but once you've voted for any image, then your voting priviledge is revoked. Sort of a Best Picture of the Month type thing...


That's the right functionality, but it works only on an individual basis; what I'm looking for is a way to designate 2 classes of people and allow people in the one class (the professionals) never to see postings by people in the other class (the amateurs). Thanks for the suggestion, though.


If these two groups are the only readers of your site you can do this with the current permissions settings. For the amateurs' posts, you can uncheck the "members" and "anonymous" blocks then no one other than them will see their stories. If there are others reading the site besides these two groups, this won't work since they will be excluded too. There does seem to be a need for some mechanism like your describing. A mask to account for oddball situations.

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That's awesome! Where can I find the hack? This is a hack I really need given my boneheadedness about missing appointments! Smile I think what I'm talking about is different though. I'm talking about an event hack that allows you to create one event that happens say every other Sunday or something like that. Currently with the GL events module you have to actually go and add that event for every occurence... i.e., enter the event for March 2nd but then you have to go and enter the event for March 9th too. It would work much better if you just entered the event once and the calendar automatically populated the event for every other Sunday for a specific period of time. Does that make sense? Thanks! -Ken


I hadn't thought of doing it that way, but there are a couple of problems. 1. The administrator would have to go through manually and change permissions for each story; I'd like to be able to have it done automatically. 2. This will work only for stories, not for comments. My main concern is to allow the professionals to screen out comments by amateurs. Any other ideas? Thanks again....


I'd like to see a review & ratings system. I'm trying to figure out how to implement a photo/movie review and rating system into my site - having a difficult time. I'd like the following functions: login individual categories: (ex:movie images, titles, photos) review posting (basically a story block) 4-6 drop-down boxes for rating elements (i.e. editing, lighting, music, acting, story, etc.) overall rating box integration with previous ratings to give average score Wow - I know this would be quite a task - but it would have so many uses rather than just movies. What do you think??

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Actually, I'd like this as well. I run a family site and several of them have asked for a way to share recipes online. :-)


so far the best Images gallery scripts ive seen is simple picture gallery manager http://spgm.sourceforge.net/ as far as customizing and looks would like to see a plugin and auto thumbing for it.

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