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Forum 2.0 Release!

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Hi all, i am useing Forum v2 and i am trying to delete ports msg made by the users and i have admin control on the system.. i dont see and delete botton, i just dont whant to have to delete them by mysql cmd's...

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Registered: 07/16/02
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There was a bug if you are using a language file other then the one provided. Or you have not assigned yourself as a moderator. Admin's are not by default moderators.
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Didn't work for me using a .htaccess file, but it did work by putting that setting in my php.ini


I am also getting the error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1 when i try to add a moderator no matter who i am logged in as(admin) now i did see posted that admin is not automatically a moderator where do you add admin in to be a moderator? Mainly i am having a problem with the main forumposts box, when i try click on either new, views,or posts it just refreshs the page, you are not brought to the forums section... did i forget to point some file in the right direction.?? i have searched the posts for the answer but have not found any comments on it.. any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance.

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Registered: 07/16/02
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There was an old bug with the moderator code so maybe you have an old archive.. The one on this site should be the last released version. By Default admin is not a moderator on all forums - is correct.
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Registered: 07/16/02
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As a forum moderator, you will have a dropdown listbox in each topic post that appears. Select Delete from the moderator options.
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Thanks for the prompt reply. I downloaded the version of forum2 about 2 weeks ago, but i will download again it again in case. The forum looks great otherwise. Thanks


I am having a proablem with the Apostrophes also, except it is a bit diffrent. I can post a topic with an apostrophe with no problem. The problem comes in to play only when someone makes a reply to the post with the apostrophe. Is there any reason it would affect one and not the other? Right now I am just telling everyone not to use apostrophes LOL

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Registered: 06/19/02
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For everyone\'s benefit, I would like to bring to light one thing. The Forum 2.0 requires that Magic_quotes be turned OFF in the php.ini file. This will fix 95% of the problems. However, my system admin informs me that he cannot change magic_quotes for me due to other users requireing it to be ON, and that I should use an .htaccess file. New Problem: 1. No matter what I put in the .htaccess file, I break access to whatever directory up from /root of .htaccess file location. I have put the following: php_value magic_quotes_gpc off php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 0 and many other variations... 2. In Apache httpd.conf file AllowOverride ALL must be set in order for the .htaccess file to work. Does anyone have any other suggestions? btw.. eccc, http://www.langfamily.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=2&showtopic=472 does not work for me Frown


Blaine has posted a fix for this http://www.langfamily.ca/filemgmt_data/files/gf_format-fix.phps I took the file above and replaced my \'public/forum/include/gf_format.php\' file with it. Now the forum is humming nicely.

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Registered: 06/19/02
Posts: 61
sweet, Thanks for the link. It\'s so hard to find good query info now days Smile Now to a more important question: Blaine mentioned in a prior post that the Forum Centerblock wouldn\'t work in 1.3.8 untill he updated. Does anyone know if this is fixed yet?

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There is nothing to fix as this is a new feature with 1.3.8 that was initiated with my Forum Centerblock work and the Plugin evolved thru Dirks work on the Staticpage plugin. I will release the new forum once the final release of 1.3.8 is out
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Registered: 06/19/02
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Sorry Blaine, by \"fixed\" I meant does it work out-of-the-box yet? or should I wait for final 1.3.8 before implimenting any code changes? Smile

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Registered: 12/18/02
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1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'WHERE uid=\'4\'\' at line 1
Quote by Blaine: Anyone else experiencing this issue? Blaine
Yes, I am experiencing it too. I just installed the forum plugin. The log says that the install was successful. But now it will not let me create categories & forums. I get the following error: \"1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near \'\' at line 1 SQL in question: SELECT forum_name FROM gl_forum_forums WHERE forum_id= \" I have done some searching, but have not come across a solution for this problem yet.

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Registered: 12/18/02
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Correction. Now I can create categories & forums. But that 1064: SQL error message still appears for forum admin/moderator function as stated in an earlier message.


Hi guys, Forgive my naive question: The forum they\'re using here at geeklog.com looks just like phpBB, which is what I\'m currently running on my website. If I wanted to migrate my existing usernames/topics etc over to a geeklog block (type of thing), is Forum 2.0 the plugin I\'m looking for? If not, do you know if it\'s possible to integrate phpBB? Thanks! JoeA

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Quote by JoeA:The forum they\'re using here at geeklog.com looks just like phpBB
It may look like it, but it\'s really the Forum plugin for Geeklog which is not compatible with phpBB.
Quote by JoeA:If I wanted to migrate my existing usernames/topics etc over to a geeklog block (type of thing), is Forum 2.0 the plugin I\'m looking for?
I\'m not sure if there\'s a converter from phpBB. There has been talk about creating one, but I don\'t think it has happened yet.
Quote by JoeA:If not, do you know if it\'s possible to integrate phpBB?
There are two separate integration hacks for phpBB 1.x and 2.x, but they\'re both old and unsupported now ... bye, Dirk

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