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Forum 2.0 Release!

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Hey I replaced only two gf_functions files... I could not find any gf_functions in the directories you've said to look into... 1. plugins/forum/functions.inc ( Found this one) 2. files under public_html/forum (none) 3. files under admin/plugins/forum (none) and I am still getting this error... Fatal error: Cannot redeclare statusmessage() (previously declared in CRazzrogram FilesServerhtdocscommunityportaladminpluginsforumgf_functions.php:79) in CRazzrogram FilesServerhtdocscommunityportalforumincludegf_format.php on line 245

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The .tgz file seems to be corrupt or wrong on the Sourcforge site. The filesize is 1.1 meg, and when trying to extract it: []$ tar zxvf forum_2.0_1.3.7.tgz gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

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The archives on geeklogplugins.sourceforge have been updated and I've tested both archives again. If anyone is having problems upgrading, or installing to a database that is not using the default gl_ prefix. The table prefix was an issue created when I made a last minute change to remove the install SQL to an external file.

The unix tar file was tested with tar -zxvf


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First let me say this is pretty cool, and I've already manages to change the theme fairly easily. That said, I ran across a few oddities:

Using the Login link in forum top menu: Logs the user in, but asks of they forgot their password and displays login screen again (over and over)

Stylesheet: Documentation section 6 says to append forum_style.css to your style.css file, However, the filename is forumstyles.css. Also, several files in the templates add new tags in the middle of the page and reference the /layout/theme/forum/forumstyle.css file. Is this legal css?

If there are no public forums and if an anymous user tries a search, produces syntax error on line 1 near ''


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I'm getting the issue. It appears that single quotes are not being properly escaped. Nuke... ---Nuke...


So how can I fix the forum? I get that error every time a user who is logged in tries to access. Its sucky and I'm stuck. Frown *geeklog 1.36* www.tdoglovin.net

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Great looking, great working, great... well... chance to translate everything. But... I have a problem: When I go to the Setup/Moderators tab I get an "1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1" on top of the list. It seems, that I can set only certain members as moderators, even if they all have the same user level. I can't even set me as the superuser as moderator! It may be a coincedence... I can set a member whos name starts wit B as mod, one who starts with F, but none from G on... weird. But even a moderator with del allowed on a forum can't delete a topic. After hitting the confirmation button, he gets: "No function selected, choose a post and then a moderator function. Note: You must be a moderator to perform these functions." any idea? But besides that, great thing :-)

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I don't know - was this a fresh install? I just did yet another clean install to test this. I can't duplicate with a fresh install or on my other setups - need more information or if anyone else can duplicate it. Blaine
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Thanks skinner - let me address a couple of those items. 1) The login issue is the link in the template file navbar_nonmember.thtml. remove the $mode=login 2) Fixed the note in the documentation. I'm not a CSS guru but did not see any problems in my testing. 3) Can't duplicate. Tried with no forums and categories, also with one forum that had restricted access. Blaine
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Hi Blaine, The login fix works, I appreciate the response.

Regarding the SQL error, I'll elaborate a little maybe it'll help:
I have created 1 Category (General) that has 1 forum (Announcements). The forum is restricted to Story Admins. As the root user, I created 1 announcement that is a locked topic.

Now, if an anonymous user searches the forums (which of course thay can't even see) the error in the error log is:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1 SQL in question: SELECT MAX(time) FROM gl_forum_log WHERE uid=
If a logged in user who has no access to the forums does a search, the error doesn't happen. It's only when an anonymous user searches.

Also, if I may make a suggestion, it would be to incorporate release numbers into the released files:
etc. It would help us know if we have the current version or not.
Thanks again. -Ray



ok, it wasn't a clean install. I tried an upgrade as it was explained, but that seemed not to work. I had an sql error about a missing table "sticky" or something like that and the plugin was still named 1.0 in the Plugins section. Than I deleted the plugin (or whatever happens when you click delete in the Plugin Editor) and run the install.php. And than I enabled the Forum plugin (now called 2.0) and it looks fine, exept that author and that delete problem. (And the SQL error mentioned before) As my Forum is not yet "on air" it would be no big problem for me to start over again, do a clean install if you could tell me, wich steps would be necessery, to make it clean. Thanks, geKow

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right now I had this error: "1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1" on a non forum related point, so it could be a conicedence. Or one big error, causing some troubles :-| BTW, the error happend after storing new menu pluging entries, and the first time at this point. Greetings, geKow

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Please ensure that you are using the version from the geeklogplugins site Blaine
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1146: Table 'macweb.gl_forum_settings' doesn't exist SQL in question: SELECT registrationrequired FROM gl_forum_settings (that's in the functions.inc file) that's the error I get when I try to do an upgrade on the forums. I just downloaded the new forums tonight. can't get it to work at all. any suggestions on how to get it to work? I copied all the files where they needed to be copied. I need some help. thanks. doug


Whenever I try to post to my forum using apostrophes in the post itself, I get the following errors: Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE ((perm_anon >= 3) OR (perm_members >= 2) OR ((group_id = 2) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 4) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 7) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 11) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 66) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 5) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 13) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 12) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 53) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 10) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 8) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 1) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 14) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 65) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 3) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 6) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 9) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 50) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 15) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 51) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 68) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((owner_id = 5) AND (perm_owner >= 2))) AND (lang = 'english') ORDER BY m_pos ASC Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - nrows = 9 <> language = english Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - Found 0 in the forum watch table Wed Feb 12 11:02:29 2003 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 's test by using words like Let's, and I'm and' at line 2 SQL in question: INSERT INTO gl_forum_topic (name,date,email,website,subject,comment,postmode,ip,mood,uid,pid,forum) Any suggestions as to what to change to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks Mike

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Try disabling Magic_quotes_gpc on your server - a php.ini setting. I have logic in the code to detect the setting and then use addslashes() if required but there appears be some environments that are not being handled correctly. My testing and others have not been able to duplicate this. Blaine
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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The forum_settings table would have been installed as part of the original release. So assuming you had that version installed and working - verify if the table really does exist. Is the 1.0 release of the forum still functional? What other messages are in the error.log file - I output a lot of messages during the upgrade, install or un-install operations. Blaine
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


The forums (1.0) worked before and I haven't tried to put them back. I tried to do a fresh install of the forums, moved all the forums files to a different directory on my server and uploaded the directories/files from 2.0, but I still get the same error.

here's what it says in the logs

Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - Geeklog Forum Project Plugin Upgrade initiated
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - Begin processing {pathtogeeklog}/geeklog/plugins/forum/sql/updates/mysql_1.0_to_2.0.php
Record Count is:25
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - executing Delete from gl_forum_log
Wed Feb 12 22:13:39 2003 - 1146: Table 'macweb.gl_forum_log' doesn't exist SQL in question: Delete from gl_forum_log

and when I tried to do a fresh install after moving files and installing new ones, I get this

Wed Feb 12 22:14:30 2003 - 1146: Table 'macweb.gl_forum_settings' doesn't exist SQL in question: SELECT registrationrequired FROM gl_forum_settings

looking at the mysql tables, those tables don't exist.

any ideas?

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Registered: 07/16/02
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Sorry to hear you are having troubles. But you noted that the tables do not exist hense the error message. If the forum tables are really not there and the plugin still thinks it is installed then you should try to delete the plugin and re-install. I don't know if that will work either as you somehow may have it partially installed now. I'm assuming you are using the default table prefix is gl_
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


I did a lot of reading on some other PHP sites and this is very easy to fix. So easy, I fixed it myself. I simply dropped an .htaccess file in the directories that the forum scripts are located in "/forum" and "/admin/plugins/forum".

In the .htaccess is this line:

php_value magic_quotes_gpc off

All problems went away. Spread the word!

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