Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, December 10 2024 @ 06:19 pm EST

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GL Forum plugin wishlist

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Forum User
Registered: 10/31/02
Posts: 41
O.k., I've installed the GL Forum and I'm thrilled with it. That means it's time to start a discussion of how to improve it! I know, this being open source, that an appropriate response to this would be "change it yourself." and I'm open to that, for those minor things I think I might be capable of changing. So if you want to add a reply of "here's where you'd change that," I think that's appropriate. Or add your own wish list item. Here's mine, just to start things off: When a user clicks on the button to send email to the poster of a forum post, the recipient's email is displayed in the form that comes up. I'd like to have people's email addresses hidden everywhere for privacy, as I believe it is done in most or all of GL. Thanks for all the good work -- this plugin is of huge value and I personally hope it becomes part of the standard installation package.


I haven't downloaded the Forum yet but have tried it on a couple sites. The email feature never displayed the recipient's address. It showed the sender's address (mine).


You are right. Brain damage on my part (muskrat). I saw the "reply to" address, which happened to be the same as the poster, because I was testiing, and I was "replying" to my own post. I wasn't looking closely. So, my first wish has, (ahem) been granted. I'm still curious about that other features would be wished for or implemented.

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Forum User
Registered: 09/07/02
Posts: 6
What I'd like to see is something that doesn't reveal either sender or receiver's email -- email would be "from" a generic geeklog address, with a link to the profile of the sender, so the recipient could reply. I guess what I'm talking about is an e-mail-mediated version of private messages. I like the idea of corresponding with people without revealing my email address, or revealing it if it is my choice to do so.


I would like to see a (configurable) extended registration page to be used on a members-only GL site to populate the Contact Plugin (or something akin to this). Andrew

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