Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 01:00 am EDT

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User WebPages


Hola Everyone. I'm not sure of the relevance to GL, but here goes: I would like the ability to give registered users the ability to create and update pages similar to an ISP. I am a Sysadmin for an Elementary School district and the system they were using (www.teacherweb.com) is starting to charge per teacher. The package I'm looking for needs an online editor that allows the users to edit via web browser, including adding photos and additional pages, and some type of user management. I've seen html editors meant for admin use, but I really don't have the time or ability to "roll my own." Is there a PlugIn to GL, OR does anyone know a nice PHP or similar package to accomplish this. Thanks, Condescending Ferret >Wink

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Registered: 07/11/02
Posts: 181
Location:Austin, TX
GL could do it if you gave static pages permissions to logged-in users. However, that'd raise a lot of security issues.

Perhaps you should try looking here for a solution that best fits your needs.

L. Whitworth

L. Whitworth


I think that there is a script out there that has what you are looking for it is called sitewiz, it has a lot of capability, check out webwiz.net they are using it; get back to me if you find alternative variations of a nice templating engine like this have a experimental database driven site up. I will be operational with same apps and more on a linux platform in the near future. this is gen index/caveat:: sites are strictly beta http://www.datamax.servehttp.com/ and a couple of scripts http://www.datamax.servehttp.com/PHP-Nuke-5.6.tar/html/index.php http://www.datamax.servehttp.com/phpBB2/index.php

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