Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 02:17 am EDT

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Member Photo plugin

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Registered: 04/25/02
Posts: 15
Now this is a psuedo plugin but it basically allows your visitors and members alike to see photos of existing members who have submitted a photo and encourages visitors to sign up so they can add their own photo. Check it out here and download it here. Note if I move this download it will be in the same category but on the first page.

Note to Admin: If necessary posting this can wait until tomorrow. Thanks.


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Registered: 07/02/02
Posts: 26
  • I've read the Readme.txt.
  • I've searched lib-common.php.
...but I can't remember the name of the template-element that prints the names of registered/enabled plugins.

(The plugin is registered in gl_plugins and is 'enabled' but doesn't appear in {menu_elements})
Eric P.
Sunnyvale, CA

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Registered: 07/02/02
Posts: 26
What's missing from end of the previous message? menu_elelments between two curly braces.

How can I include those in a comment?
Eric P.
Sunnyvale, CA

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You can't use curly brackets in stories or comments currently - Geeklog's template system will interpret words enclosed in curly brackets as variables. This is a bug that should be fixed in 1.3.6 ... bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/02/02
Posts: 26
The answer to my question: The "plg_menu_elements" element must be in the template for the plugin name/hyperlin to be displayed. (It was there, plain as day, in the lib-common.php. I was just in too much of a hurry to see it the first time.)
Eric P.
Sunnyvale, CA

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