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Questions before I install

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Registered: 07/03/03
Posts: 5
I\'ve been looking at CMS programs and Geeklog is looking to be my primary pick. I have never dealt with a CMS before, so I have two questions (one of which probably has been asked a million times before): 1) How terribly hard is it to install Geeklog? How much programming language knowledge (php, css, html, etc) do I need to know? 2) I have a programmer working on a section of my site that basically just searches a database and then displays the results. How hard would it be to implement it into the site? Thanks in advance! NC


1 - Depends on the person. Some newbies have a lot of problems while others can get it installed very quickly. Most problems encountered either deal with an incorrect path or a file getting corrupted during FTP transfer. Those running their own servers at home sometimes have the server configuration not set up correctly. After uploading all the files, it takes me about 10 minutes to install/upgrade. You don\'t need to know any php unless you want to start adding custom addons. Even then, you don\'t really need to know the language other than being able to follow someone else\'s directions. It is far easier if you know some php though since you\'ll be to recognize when the instructions are missing a step, or are not explained well, or you fall into an unexpected error. I\'ll be honest with you. If you plan on running a database driven site, you\'re going to find yourself having to learn something about php and mysql. Regardless of what CMS you choose, the site won\'t magically run by itself and periodically you will run into some sort of error either with the program or more likely the server. These open source projects are great teachers. As for css and html, if you use a default template you don\'t need to know anything about them either. It\'s only when you want to start customizing or getting fancy in your stories that you will need to know some basics which I think everyone eventually does. 2 - To integrate search into the site, it needs to hook into Geeklog some way either thru a plugin itself, or one of two already integrated plugins. To do the former you would either have to know php yourself or get a programmer to do it.

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Registered: 07/03/03
Posts: 5
Wow! Thanks Mark! Very in depth answer, very appreciated. I am going to try my hand at installing today, hopefully you won\'t hear back from me. Wink Actually I may be back concerning question 2 once I see how Geeklog really works. Thanks, NC

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Registered: 07/03/03
Posts: 5
Thanks for the quick and in-depth answer! I thought I wouldn\'t have to be back, but I\'ve gotten the GL files copied onto my server and went to check.php, got a rid of the first error that came up but came upon this: Warning: Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket \'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock\' (2) in /home/neener/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 104 Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket \'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock\' (2) in /home/neener/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 104 Cannnot connect to DB server Looks to me that it can\'t connect to the DB, but don\'t know where to change this at. Thanks again! NC


If your server doesn\'t have MySQL, then you need to install it first. After this is done, then create a user, password, and database. Then set these variables in config.php to tell Geeklog how to connect to your database: $_DB_host = \'localhost\'; // works in most cases or you may have to use the IP number $_DB_name = \'geeklog\'; // database name you set up $_DB_user = \'username\'; // username you set up $_DB_pass = \'password\'; // password you set up $_DB_table_prefix = \'gl_\'; // prefix you want to appended to all table names

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Registered: 07/03/03
Posts: 5
Faaantastic! I guess I was blind the first time and missed that, but I finally got it running - thanks Mark!

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