Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 20 2025 @ 03:42 am EST
Geeklog Forums
My weblog contains summaries and tutorials for things that I've worked on personally or professionaly, most if which I had to peice together the hard way. My primary reason for setting up a blog is for an easy way to share these experiences to hopefully help some other geek out there save some time.
So far I have a tutorial of how to use a baysian spam filter with Evolution, My observations of Red Hat Linux 9, and some comments on MySQL 4.0.
There's not a ton of stuff there yet, but part of a good blog is to get people reading and commenting on it. So have at it, and be gentle, I'm a geek not a poet.
Jeff Bearer, RHCE
Webmaster PittsburghLIVE.com
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