Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 20 2025 @ 03:42 am EST

Geeklog Forums



Geeklog rocks, I'm a Linux Geek that does a lot of PHP so geeklog seemd a perfect fit. I've set up my personal weblog and now have a bit of content on it, so it's time to start shamelessly self promoting it. Wink

My weblog contains summaries and tutorials for things that I've worked on personally or professionaly, most if which I had to peice together the hard way. My primary reason for setting up a blog is for an easy way to share these experiences to hopefully help some other geek out there save some time.


So far I have a tutorial of how to use a baysian spam filter with Evolution, My observations of Red Hat Linux 9, and some comments on MySQL 4.0.

There's not a ton of stuff there yet, but part of a good blog is to get people reading and commenting on it. So have at it, and be gentle, I'm a geek not a poet.

Jeff Bearer, RHCE
Webmaster PittsburghLIVE.com


All times are EST. The time is now 03:42 am.

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