Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 03:05 pm EST
Geeklog Forums
I'm really at a loss here, since I'm not an expert in character sets at all. So any expertise on this is welcome ...
AFAICT, everything works fine when the page is using the proper character set for the language and characters you want to enter, i.e. when you want to use chinese characters, you would have to serve the page in Big5 or GB2312 encoding.
When you switch to the english language file, the character set also switches to iso-8859-1 and that causes the problems we see.
In other words - I don't think there's anything that Geeklog could do here. If you want to use chinese characters, you will have to use the chinese character set (and not iso-8859-1).
As I said, I could be wrong. So anyone with more experience in foreign (especially Asian) languages, please feel free to correct me ...
bye, Dirk
简体字汉语 this is simplified Chinese
한굴 this is Korean
are they displayed correctly ?
I can't read any of this, but they display fine for me (i.e. as Asian characters). I've switched my language file to "English (UTF-8)", though.
bye, Dirk
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