Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, January 19 2025 @ 07:02 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

User submission access


Hi, I'm a new geeklog user, and I love it. I'm a novice with PHP, and it's been so easy to manage. I do have one concern, though. I'm building a community site where I'd like ALL users (including anonymous) to be able to browse the entire site's content-- but I only want CERTAIN users to be able to submit content. In other words, I want submit.php to be available only for certain specified users. Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve hacking around too much? It occurred to me that I could allow for limited security just by removing the link to submit.php on the global template, but users might still be able to find it. Can I do this?



See this story for answers to a request similar to yours.

As far as controlling who can contribute, some themes have the "Contribute" (aka "Get Published") link hard-coded into header.thtml and you can remove the link there. For other themes that reference {menu_elements}, you can comment out the following section of code in lib-common.php by adding the // in front of each line (like what apperas before the "contribute link" text):

// contribute link
$header->set_var('menuitem_url', $_CONF['site_url'] . '/submit.php?type=story');
$header->set_var('menuitem_text', $LANG01[71]);
$header->parse('menu_elements', 'menuitem', true);

Then to control who can actually post, just add those users either to "Story Admin" group, or create a separate group with access to the Story Admin group. You'll also want to make sure those users have access to the Topic(s) you want them to be able to post to.

In my experience I've found that most Geeklog issues I needed help on have been previously answered (sometimes ad nauseum), so try searching for the info on what you're trying to do or having problems with -- the "self-service" route offers "immediate gratification". Wink

Hope this helps!

thewise1himself (who obviously isn't so wise, because he forgot his password and can't access external email from work... Doh!)


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