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Weird paths and inability to create/edit ANYTHING...

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Registered: 07/25/02
Posts: 5
Hey there, After days of struggling for days with PHP/MySQL/Apache (thanks, RedHat!), I finally got my Geeklog site up. However, the first weird problem I ran into was it seemingly ignoring the public_html pathing. The page loaded great, but with no images. I soft linked some stuff to get around this. I seem to have correctly identified the root as the geeklog dir under my http location, but sometimes it still seems to not look to public_html. Now, at first, I couldn't edit or create stories. I went through the faq and made sure that my php.ini settings are correct, and that I restarted apache to make sure everything is cool. I even went so far as to make the changes to the story However, I still can't edit or create ANYTHING. Any advice? Could my paths being screwed have something to do with this? I'm using php4.3.1, apache 1.3.27, and MySQL 4.0.8

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You should really try to solve your path problems first. Since you didn't tell us what you have, it's difficult to help, though ... Usually, when the images are not loaded, it means that you didn't set your $_CONF['site_url'] correctly. Make sure it points to where your index.php and lib-common.php are located. Having a look at the HTML source and the image paths in there should also give you a hint. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/25/02
Posts: 5
Hey, First off...I got the submission problems solved. PHP.ini was not in the right place. Duh. Second, the path issue I'm still working around. I renamed the directory the site installs to as "madlog", and here are the few relevant $_CONF directives I have: $_CONF['path'] = /var/www/html/madopal/madlog $_CONF['site_url'] = http://www.madopal.com/madlog Note...www.madopal.com = /var/www/html/madopal So, I figured those would both go to the same place. I didn't want people to have to type all the public_html nonsense in the URL, so I'd rather point at the root. I'm wondering about security issues with that, though...any thoughts?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, the "public_html" is just a popular name for the Document Root - which seems to be named "html" on your server. So, if you wanted Geeklog to run your entire site, you would put the contents of public_html into "html". It seems you didn't want to do that but run Geeklog from a directory called "madopal" instead. No problem with that. Again, simply copy everything from public_html into that directory. This will leave you with a couple of files and directories: config.php, logs, plugins, etc. These should be placed outside of your document root, i.e. so that there's no URL that would lead to those files. What you could do, for example, is to create a directory called "geeklog" on the same level where your "html" resides, i.e. /var/www/geeklog, and put all the remaining files and folders in there. Your paths would then be: $_CONF['path'] = '/var/www/geeklog/'; $_CONF['path_html'] = '/var/www/html/madopal/'; The URL would be the same as before. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/25/02
Posts: 5
Well, that would be fine, except I have a fully running site from that path. The conflicting index files (.html and .php) would not play nicely together. So, under my domain root (/var/www/html/madopal), I want a directory called madlog. However, if I put all the public_html stuff there, a) doesn't the file ASK for the location of geeklog/public_html, so if I move down, won't that break the path? And also, isn't there stuff above the public_html directory (like config.php) that it needs to reach? When I uncompressed, there was more than just a public_html directory there...

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
That was exactly what I was trying to explain ... Again: Move everything from public_html into your "madlog" subdirectory, move the rest of the Geeklog files into a directory called "geeklog" as described above. Adjust the paths as described above. Run the install script, tell it the path to the new "geeklog" directory - and you should be fine. bye, Dirk

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