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easier way to post photos and links?

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Registered: 01/14/03
Posts: 8
I'm wondering if anyone has advice on adding a form to the submission that allows an easier interface for posting a link associated with a story being submitted. Some people have been able to figure out how to add pictures, but the [image1] business is beyond some of my users (!) I'm thinking of a simple wwwboard method of posting links associated with a story. My geeklog site is bigego.com/egog

Also, is there a tool that will automatically resize jpgs to the 420x640 size? Most people try to load images of like 3 megapixels and give up. Does Geekary fix this? I'm trying to get it to work.


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Registered: 01/07/03
Posts: 39
If you want to prevent users from posting huge pictures and you have either Imagemick or Netpbm installed, you can configure Geeklog (in config.php) to use those programs to resize an image that is over a certain size limit. I believe the setting to change in config.php are: either imagemagick or netpbm. $_CONF['image_lib'] = 'imagemagick'; if you have imagemagick then uncomment this line and put the path to the 'mogrify' command. $_CONF['path_to_mogrify'] = '/usr/local/bin/mogrify'; Then there are lines after those for the max image sizes and such. Hope this helps.---When I lost my sense of fashion, my other senses were heightened.
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