Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 01:16 am EDT

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Gallery Integration Problem

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Registered: 10/23/02
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Location:Magnolia, Texas
I've installed the gallery integration, Gallery_1.3.3_1.3.7sr2, but it is not integrating with geeklog. It is supposed to wrap gallery into geeklog, Right ?? I have followed the docs to a tee, Checking the install NUMEROUS times and to no luck can I find my problem. www.jdaw.net/gallery

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Did you make that two-line addition to Gallery's config.php as per the instructions? One time I forgot those two lines and it would not integrate.

L. Whitworth

L. Whitworth

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Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 41
Location:Magnolia, Texas
Yeah, I got those two, that was my first problem I forgot the ";" at the end of the first line. My second problem is that it is not wrapped, and my third problem is in the log-in, When I log in the log in screen just clears the password and then I close the log in window and hit refresh and I'm logged in. I am still searching this problem. I have GL 1.3.7sr1 with gallery 1.3.3. Thanks for the imput ---John


I'm having the same issues. Gallery 1.3.3 and GeekLog v1.3.7sr1. Followed the directions, replaced files and it still gives me the default gallery. And yes, I've added the two lines to config.php.


I fixed my problem... I think its a bit cheating, but heres what I changed, from (in init.php): } else if (!strcmp($GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE, "geeklog"Wink) { to: } else if (true) { and from (in init.php): require_once($GEEKLOG_DIR . '/lib-common.php'); to: require_once('/the/actual/path/to/lib-common.php'); As near as I can tell, it was trying to use the variables before it had them to use?

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