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Viewing comments Anonymously problem

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Registered: 09/29/02
Posts: 19
I'm having an issue with my install of GL 1.3.7 with anonymous users not being able to view comments to stories. In config.php, my $CONF[commentsloginrequired] variable is set to zero, but isn't that for posting comments? I can't think of what to check or set to allow comments to be viewed when not logged in. Any suggestions? EKwant www.kwantum.net

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm, when I click on the comments link for your first story (Smiley Enhanced), I get the message "You do not have access to view this story.". So the problem is not with the comments but with the permissions you set on the story. Can you list the permissions and ownership (group, owner) for that story? bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/29/02
Posts: 19
The rights to the message are as follows: Owner: Read, Edit Group: Read Members: Read Anonymous: Read With the owner and group being myself and Story Admin, respectively. A little more info, don't know if it helps... I did upgrade this installation from 1.3.6. I've looked at the database directly and the values for the story, but I'm not sure what would be wrong, as I don't know what values belong to what (in some cases anyways). I've also unset and reset permissions on the story, but it still doesn't allow access for anonymous users. EKwant www.kwantum.net

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