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Adapting the menu


I'm using the gameserver theme and was wondering how i could adapt horizontal menu on top. I noticed i can add links to it by using the static pages plugin, but i would like to remove some from it like for example "contribute" or "webresources" because i don't need them on my site. Is there anyone that can tell me how i could acomplish this ? thx a million in advance !

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
If you have a look at the header.thtml file of the Gameserver theme, you'll find a variable {menu_elements}. This is replaced with a fixed set of menu entries. If you don't want all those menu entries, then take out that variable and replace it with links to only those entries that you want. bye, Dirk


Thx a lot !

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Posts: 8
I may not have understood this correctly. I edited the header.thtml file in my layouts/mystyle directory so that I have hard coded the horizontal top menu items - but now there is a serious problem with my static pages. If I use absolute addresses in my links in the header file, it logs out the user when they go from a static page to the calendar or polls or links or anything else not in the static_pages directory. Is there some trick to gettin them all to get along? Or is there some other less destructive way to modify the menu_elements? thanks in advance - Jim---unpop for the unpopulous!

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I can only guess what you did (URL?), but I would assume that you have configured your site URL to be something like www.yoursite.com and made the links to yoursite.com (without the www.) - or vice versa. If that's the case, try using the {site_url} variable and making all links relative to that, e.g. {site_url}/submit.php etc. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 01/14/03
Posts: 8
Thanks. I should have though about it a bit longer. I wasn't using the {site_url} at all - which was causing the problem.---http://bigego.com

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