Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, October 10 2024 @ 10:01 pm EDT
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Need some help
Im somewhat new to php, and it may be me but it seems like someone from china wrote the installation instrustions. I mean i don get half of what you are talking about you are very unclear, but besides the fact that you need to re write you instructions can you explain to me this sepration of the install thing? I tried it one i made a new folder out side of Public_html put all folders and files in there except the Public_html folder found in the geeklog software. i took that folders contents and uplaoded it under my public_html folder and i went to install and got a Silver theme thing not real or something like that. so im curios what exactly do you want me to do when creating all these folders and moving files around. I think you should really consider a more comprehensive installtion guide, since it seems im not the only one who hasnt a clue. also i fixed all my config settings to what i thought what right but i still dont understnad what and why you want me to do it.
It's not very bright of you to insult those who you seek help from. There are a lot of people here from other countries including China who are using English as a second language to communicate. From what I've seen, many of them write far better than those who were raised speaking it from birth.
If the instructions seem a bit confusing to you, I bet you're trying to run Geeklog on a Windows server, and you probably have zero experience in using non-Windows operating systems. Am I correct?
On a Linix/Unix/etc server, people have the option of placing files in non-public areas. That is the reason for the file separation. Unless you have a sympathetic host, you can't do this on a shared Windows server. In which case, just load the files and directories up as they are right now. I recommend you at least rename or move the config file to offer more protection from the standard install setup. In many ways, Windows does not offer the same security and added features as the *nix systems.
I dont insult any one, i stated that you need to be more direct with your installation directions. The china thing is an expression, sort of like that of "it seems like its written in greek" but any way, i run a linux server with up to date everything. PHP, PERL, SQL, PHPMyAdmin, Apache, Kernel, and Cpanel 5.0 and other stuff, and i uploaded everyhting after extracting it with WinRAR and uploading it to my server with Smart_FTP I CHMODDED the files listed in the directions, i would use TELNET but i dont know how to use it, so ill settle for the FTP way. now im on a virtual host meaning the server isnt dedicated but my path to the server publick_html folder would be home/andy2na/public_html
are you telling me to take all the files and folder except the Public_html folder in geeklog and put them in a folder in home/andy2na? so if i put all my geeklog files and folders except public_html in a folder called site making my path to that folder be home/andy2na/site
which would not be in my server public_htmlfolder. or outside as you say in the instructions.
with that i goto my config.php and put in all my database information and fix the path should be.
$_CONF['path'] = '/home/andy2na/site/';
is that right? since thats the path to my config.php
so now that i have that seperated put the public_html files in the server public_html folder. making my path to my admin folder and such being home/andy2na/public_html/admin, backend, help, images, layout, staticpages, .php files would that be correct since that would make it so i dont need to include /public_html in my URL? but i already did this and i got a template error but i had used winzip to extract the tarball file. i hadnt read the instructions yet till i extracted it, so i re did the extraction this time with winRAR and uplaoded using Smart_ftp now that i have completed the chmod on hte files listed in the instructions and have my files in place to me what seems correct. am i ready to install?
Hi, no offense, I am also new to php but I found the instruction quite easy to follow. Maybe I am Chinese:^) The first site I installed, I also used FTP to do it.
To answer your questions, you are right with your understanding. But some web host do not allow you to create a directory out side of the public_html area. Some do, but can't be executed. So if you are in that situation, you have to put the 'geeklog' directory in the public directory and enjoy the geeklog for a while, as long as you don't post sensitive matters there.
When you become serious with geeklog and want to use it for production, you might want to switch hosting service that allows you to create a directory out side of public_html. If you need help with finding a good host for this please let me know.
Yes. You don't have to create another /public_html directory, but put everything in the geeklog's /public_html directory in your /public_html directory.
Another thing came to my mind. Instead of trying chmod 775, then 776, then 777, you might want to try the reverse. Make sure it works with 777 first, and then tighten it with one level up, and then another.
Sorry, I wrote this in a holiday rush. I hope this help. Have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
some what, but look at this
Parse error: parse error in /home/andy2na/public_html/lib-common.php on line 2642
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/andy2na/public_html/lib-common.php on line 709
i get that error after i hit next in the 2nd screen of installation now i have gone back and deleted the tables the installation created and Im ready to try it again.
but i have all the files CHMODDED TO 775 i already tried 777 and 776 didnt work i ran the check and it cant get into the log things so it failed that. I will try the putting all files into the server public_html folder and try that. and see if it works and if it doesnt i will put it back the old way and see whats wrong.
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Registered: 01/12/02
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Parse errors in lib-common.php are usually caused by either using WinZIP to unpack the tarball or by using Dreamweaver to edit lib-common.php. You mentioned using WinRAR earlier, so I suspect the latter ...
Unpack a fresh copy of lib-common.php and edit it with some simple text editor (Notepad if you have nothing else).
bye, Dirk
i edited it with my servers editor
look at this and see if you know whats going on here, i re uplaoded everyhitng and started with teh files chmodded to 0777 or 777 (same thing) and i edited all the files in wordpad saved them and uploaded.
Do like Dirk said. Get a fresh copy of lib-common.php and use notepad instead of your server's editor in case it's inserting some stray characters.
After that make sure error.log, access.log, /backend, userphotos.php, and articles.php were all unpacked and transferred to your server. I used WinZip so I had to create these on my own because WinZip loses empty files and directories. I also had to use 777 not 775 on my server to get them to work.
BTW, whether you care to admit it or not your first post was insulting to others here. If you don't think the instructions are written basic enough, then offer a rewrite to help out. No one here gets paid. It's all volunteer work.
i cant get a break.
it installed succesfully i think i hit the next button in step 2 and it creates my sql tables but i get a 404 on my success.php but it is uploaded. and i even re uploaded it to make sure. still cant be found. anyone else get this problem? my files are CHMOD 777
thats not possible because 1, it is right 2, how do other pages work and not that.
im gonna re do everything and try again.
Rather ironic, hm? He talks of not being clear with writing, yet he doesn't type well himself. Tsk tsk. =)
777 gives full access to the file. If the file doesn't work when it is chmod at 777 and the chmod is the problem, then it won't work at 755. Unless there is something in the script which won't allow you to chmod 777.
More simply put, if it isn't working at 777 then it won't work at 755, if of course the chmod is what is causing the problem in the first place.
Mac Doggy
Dude, get some brains and go ask someone else for help, I'm form USA but really, how dumb do you have to be to insult other countries...get a life
With the cpanel editor make sure you delete all empty spaces at the end of your file before saving it. Delete every empty space till you get to: ?>
It works for me.
Andrew ... smoke a few joints before installation and everything will run perfectly. And if it doesn't ...you won't care. (Joke !
After reading what you wrote I came to the conclusion that you're rushing too much. You say that the install instruction aren't clear enough, but I find your explanation of your problem even more complicated to understand.
1- If you use WinZip to untar the files make sure that you remove the check mark in: Options->Configuration->Miscellaneous->Other->TAR file smart CR/LF conversion
2- If you use control pane editor remove all spaces after: ?> before saving the file.
3- And ... take one problem at a time
4- It rarely works on the first time.
Good luck and patience
Took me about 7 times to get it perfect. Now I can install GL in my sleep.
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