Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, February 14 2025 @ 05:04 pm EST

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Parse Error

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Registered: 10/04/02
Posts: 1
I installed GL on a server this morning and It works perfectly. I then installed it on another server (another ISP) and I can't get it work. Install creates de tables in the database. I always get a Parse error in lib-common.php, I used WinRAR, then uploade the tar file on the server and installed it with SSH, nothnig works. I checked everything many times. I can't understand why it works on a sever and not on the other. The exact error message I get is the following: The second err mess is because of the first one. Parse error: parse error in /home/alainpon/public_html/ph/lib-common.php on line 2517 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: template in /home/alainpon/public_html/ph/lib-common.php on line 607 Any idea ?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I would suggest you download the lib-common.php that produces the error and do a diff against one fresh out of the tarball and / or against the one that works. bye, Dirk


I'm getting crasy ! I edited the files config.php and lib-common.php using "pico" in SSH. Now every time I change something I get a different error message. But I'm getting close.... I now only get "Cannot send headder inf..... There must be some blank lines before some <?php tags I go back to my editor ....


I got it working ! The problem is the file editor from the "Control Panel" on my site. It's fine for small files, but I don't know why it scrambled my lib-common.php file. This file is a bigger than the other ones, so maybe that's why. I used Winzip to Untar the files. But <b>you have to uncheck the "Tar Files smart CR/LF conversion" before</b>. Uploaded with <b>Smart FTP</b>, and edited the files with "<b>Pico</b>" using shell access. I've seen a lot of questions about errors like "Cannot send header ... " or "Parse Error ..." I'm quit sure my solution would correct these errors. But shell access is not available to everyone, and not as easy as "WordPad". The other solution would be to edit the files with a good ascii editor and upload them every time. Thanks

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