Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 09 2024 @ 03:50 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

Solution to my 'time' problem

Captain Penguin

As a few of you read, I was having trouble with the time on my stories at news.badtux.net showing up really wonked. I finally found the problem. It was actually a MySQL problem -- MySQL 3.23.49 apparently does not like it when the database client (my Geeklog system with lots of CPU) and the database server (my big honkin database server with slow CPU but lots of fast disk) are in seperate timezones. My Geeklog system was running in MST (Arizona time) while I'd never reset my database server from GMT, and all hell broke loose.

So now all I gotta do is avoid submitting stories between 12pm and 1pm (the 1969 bug, not to be confused with the 1969 Bug, which was a quite groovy little scoot), and things should work!

I suggest that if you have a similar setup where you're trying to scale Geeklog, that if two of the servers will be in different timezones, you run it all under GMT. It kinda sucks, but under FreeBSD at least it all works fine under GMT. Since my servers are in fact in the same timezone I set them both to MST (Arizona time), but Geeklog isn't going to scale that way.

My configuration: FreeBSD 4.6.2, MySQL 3.23.49 (FreeBSD packages), apache-1.3.26 (FreeBSD package), mod_php4-4.2.1 (FreeBSD package). I have no idea whether this problem happens on Linux or other Unix operating systems, or whether it's just a problem with the above configuration.


All times are EST. The time is now 03:50 pm.

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