Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, December 10 2024 @ 05:59 am EST

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Help in phpBB plugin - 1.3.1_phpBB1.4.4_v1.1.tar.gz

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i am testing this integration of phpBB into GL. I am using GL 1.3.5SR2 and the phpBB plugin download from http://www.geeklog.net/gl1.3.1_phpBB1.4.4_v1.1.tar.gz I get the error DB config was probably already added. Did not modify DB config. Now copying Geeklog users into phpBB users... Attempting to add 10 Geeklog users to phpBB's user table 1146: Table 'geeklog.users' doesn't exist error adding Geeklog user Admin to phpBB users table. The users above have been inserted in order of the Geeklog uid. Fix the problem with this user's record and alter the SELECT statement in create_phpbb_users in /path/to/geekklog/phpBB/install.php to use 'WHERE uid >= 2 ORDER BY uid' Where do it add the line: WHERE uid >= 2 ORDER BY uid I added at line 32 of install.php and it reads $result = DB_query("SELECT uid, username, passwd, email, regdate FROM WHERE uid >= ORDER BY uid"Wink; i believe i added that line of code at the wrong line, where should it be then? i can't seem to find it.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Location:Urbandale, Iowa
The phpBB and GL databases need to be seperate if memory serves me right. I think your error is related to that.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


hi Tony!!! i guess you are the author of this plugin, saw your name in the plugin's readme(s) (yes i did read them!) GL and phpBB are installed in 2 seperate databases. GL in a mySQL database name geeklog and phpBB in a database which i let the installation create as phpBB. What can be wrong?

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179
oh yes Tony, i believe Iowaoutdoors is also using this plugin with GL 1.3.5 right?

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Registered: 09/22/02
Posts: 42
Hey Tony, Does phpBB have to be in a separate database because of table naming conflicts? I went through the phpBB 1.4.4 code and renamed all of the tables. Do you think that would work? Thanks!

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