Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, July 26 2024 @ 09:29 pm EDT

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Using a static page to call a cgi script??


First of all I would like to say great job on Geeklog. With that out of the way I would like to know if there is a way to call a cgi script form a staic page.(Embed a script in geeklog) I want to add a certin guestbook which is cgi.Of cource worse case serniro is I will have to just make a link which will go out of geeklog. Thanks in advance

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You can't use PHP (and therefore can't call a CGI) from a static page - at least not with the static pages plugin that comes pre-installed with Geeklog. There is, however, an extended static pages plugin available which allows the use of PHP (search for Postings by Phill). An easier way, though, may be to use a static page that wraps your guest book in an <iframe>. bye, Dirk


I would I do the <iframe> anything that gets the script running is fine


Of course there is also Mr GXBlocks' rather stylish Geekbook plugin - you can find out more my visiting GXBlock.com.

Alan @ goddammit.co.uk

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Registered: 02/26/02
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Using iframes are supported - check out my previous post as an example here

Also as noted by Dirk, Phil at Gdev has created an excellent enhanced version of the Staticpage Plugin that supports PHP. You can get it at squatty.com or at Phil's site here

You may also find examples via Google of calling ASP, PERL or even CGI scritps from PHP. I have not done it but have seen example code posted to do so.




PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT!!!!!!!! That is exactly what I wanted.Not only does it call the cgi but it stays in the site template. check it out:www.3dwall.com/staticpages/index.php?page=20020909052606632 ps.if you couldnt tell already I am testing geek out for newyorkpride.com It needs to be rebuilt (a NY newspaper wants to do a article about it) YOU GUYS ROCK!! thanks

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