Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:58 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Newbie Admin with Questions!


Sorry, if you've answered these questions thousands of times but I can't seem to find any resources for new admins. I have a couple questions. #1. Is it possible to only allow certain user groups posting ability? I'm aiming to make a blog where only my friends and I can publish but anyone can comment. #2. How does Geeklog email items? My hotmail account recieves them fine but it doesn't appear to like my AOL account. #3. What exactly are Static Pages? Is it just a page that doesn't change? Or am i over simplifying it? I'll probably have more questions in the near future, but these should hold me over for now. Smile Thanks for any help.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
#1: Well, new postings go into a submission queue anyway, so you can filter out any unwanted postings there. Or you could add your friends to the StoryAdmin group - then they can post directly. Then remove the "contribute" link from the theme and noone else can post any more ... #2: Geeklog uses PHP's built-in mail() function. It shouldn't make a difference who the recipient is. #3: Static pages are made for static content, yes. Anything that doesn't really fit into a story but that you want to keep around nonetheless. The "Installing GL" link (from the menu above) may be a good example. bye, Dirk


thanks, that helps a lot because I was also wondering how to post instantly and how to make those links near the top. Now my only question is how do I remove the contribute link?

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You simply need to arm yourself with a little HTML knowledge and go into /layout/yourselectedtheme and edit the header.thtml file as you please. All the .thtml files in the /layout/themes folder control the layout of the entire site. Oh, there are .css files too, which you shouldn't ignore.
L. Whitworth


Hmm, this may be asking a lot, but is there anyway to give someone instant posting without giving them edit rights? I'm not really afraid of my friends editing other posts, but I much prefer the simplier Posting Screen when you don't have edit rights. (ok, maybe I'm also ttle afraid of what they might do)

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Geeklog 1.3.6 will let you switch off the story submission queue. However, this will then apply to all users, anonymous or otherwise ... bye, Dirk


how do you do that?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I was talking about the next version of Geeklog. It's not out yet, but it's getting nearer ... And it will have options in config.php to switch off the submission queues for stories, links, events, and users (also new in 1.3.6) separately. bye, Dirk


oh, ok, sorry, i didn't realize what version was out now

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