Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, September 13 2024 @ 07:55 pm EDT

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setting up a geeklog localhost


i'm trying to set up a local server here with my own computer... i've downloaded AbriaSoft's Merlin software which starts up mySql and Apache PHP software... much recommended at least from this viewpoint. i have a question for the geeklog grognards who may have tried this before me - why am i having trouble having others connect to my page? i would assume that http://my.ip.ad.dress/public_html/ would do the trick, but it's not working. i've set up my Apache httpd.conf file to automatically use the folder of my geeklog dir... so that i only have to type in http://localhost/public_html/ and I can see my work in action... however, it appears that localhost is not interchangeable with my IP for outsiders... i think the problem is somewhere in these two variables, one in config.php: $_CONF['path'] = 'c:/!web/Sloy/'; ...and one in lib_common.php: require_once('c:/!web/Sloy/config.php'); Both of these are using paths to my hard drive... but if i try to switch them to http://my.ip.ad.dress/ they don't work. any idea what i'm doing wrong? i'll email the files to anyone who's generous enuf to help out!

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany

First of all, please make yourself familiar with the difference between a path, e.g. C:/web/geeklog, and a URL, e.g. http://localhost/geeklog. You can not interchange the two, and where Geeklog requires a path, e.g. for $_CONF['path'], you can't use a URL.

When you use localhost in the URL to your Geeklog site, it will not work for people which come to visit from other computers. Therefore, you need to use an IP for $_CONF['site_url']. However, that IP must be one that exists on the net, i.e. IPs of the form 192.168.x.x won't work outside your own network either.

In cases like this, services like dyndns.org or dns2go.com usually help since they give you a subdomain (for free) that you can use to access your computer even when the IP address changes (as is the case with most ISPs when you connect to the internet).

You might also want to read this story where someone had a similar problem.

Hope that helps.

bye, Dirk


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