Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 11:10 am EDT

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Edit Root user

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I emailed all my potential users (about 1000 people) and of course 5 minutes later have a problem: I edited the description of the Root user (geeklog superuser) which appears to be a bad thing (it means I cannot access my site). I found a message from Simon Lord (http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20020513093657396) afterwards saying not to create a group and apply Root as a Security Group. Is this related? There is no extra user listed in the SQL tables when I checked, and for some reason I can now no longer access phpMyAdmin either. Server overload? OS: Linux Apache version: 1.3.26 (Unix) PERL version: 5.006001 MySQL version: 3.23.45 PHP: 4.2.1 Geeklog 1.3.5sr1 Euan.
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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Registered: 04/22/02
Posts: 292
Okay, sorted it out. Deleted the root user from the tables, then re-entered the basic data from the original installation files. Why do these things always happen at the wrong moment? Frown Euan.
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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