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Can't add stories as admin


I am using gl 1.3.5.sr1 adn I am having problems adding, editing, or deleteing stories as admin. I can however add a story as anonymous. Any suggestions. Mike


After install 1.3.5.sr1 the site appears correctly, but when login as admin i can't execute the admin functions such create user or modify other things. What is the Problem dbits


http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20020628070844828#comments discusses this issue I believe.


I have checked the help pages. This is not my problem as described in http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20020628070844828#comments That article references not having an edit button. I do have an edit button, but nothing happens when I push on it I just get taken back to the previous page and the story I wanted to modify is unmodified, or if I clicked delete it is still there. I am runing Suse7.3 apache 1.3.20 php 4.06. My php.ini file has file_uploads = On. The only way I can add a story is to log in as a user who is a member of the all users group, but then I can't edit the story without using phpmyadmin. Please Help Thankyou

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 35
Can you tell me more? A client of mine is having the same error, with the sr1 patch in place he seems to have locked out all admin users. Anonymous and members can log in and work, but admins get nothing but pure white pages when they try to login. Is this your situation? Please let me know, I'll try reverting to pre-sr1 patch to see if that's the cause of the error (tonight). If it is then I'll let you know, but in the meantime tell me if your experiencing the same thing. knuckles

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 35
Try this: Groups may disappear your site

I had the same problem, and now I have a new one. My previous problem was that when you create a new Group you CANNOT select "Root" as a security access option. Read my article.

My new problem is that a client of mine has managed to do something that blocks out ALL admin users - if any admin attempts to login their pages go white. Yet members and anonymous can run around and post and login fine.

If the second problem is what you are facing then we are looking into the matter.




No, thats not my problem. Admin can do anything except edit,preview, or delete stories. That's any user who is a member of any of the admin groups. It seems to be related to something in admin/story.php, but I don't know enough about php to track it down. I have checked all the obvious, permissions etc. but haven't come up with anything. Another user I believe cwilkins reported having what sounded like the same problem but I didn't see any solution posted. It's possible it could be related to http_post_vars. In story.php there is a line which states // Uncomment the line below if you need to debug the HTTP variables being passed // to the script. This will sometimes cause errors but it will allow you to see // the data being passed in a POST operation //debug($HTTP_POST_VARS); I did this and I get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: debug() in /www/hortonfamily.cpumike.com/admin/story.php on line 59 I don't know if this is the problem or not. If anyone has any suggestions, please post. Mike

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Registered: 01/12/02
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The debug code is a bit of a mess, I'm afraid ... The correct name of the debug function is COM_debug(), not debug(). Also, you need to add an 'echo' in front of it to get any output at all. So try echo COM_debug($HTTP_POST_VARS); bye, Dirk

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