Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 05:49 am EDT

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Trouble With Creating Themes


Hi, I've been attempting to create themes by taking existing templates and modifying them. I've tried this over and over and over, and it never turns out correctly. The left blocks turn up where they are suppose to, but the content/stories blocks always turn up below the main table and not near <!-- START OF CONTENT AREA -->. The right blocks follow up the content, in the wrong place. Great care goes in attempting to perserve the existing structure so this won't happen, but it does, regardless. What could I be doing to disrupt the layout so bad? And what should one watch out for when editing themes?

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
First of all, I do hope you are using a plain text editor and not a tool like e.g. Dreamweaver. Those WYSIWYG applications will almost certainly mess up the code ... Geeklog uses a lot of nested tables. So before you edit a theme, make sure you understand how tables are nested, where they start and where they end. A drwaing on a piece of paper may also help. Also, start with a simple theme like Yahoo or DotCom. Hope that helps. bye, Dirk


Dirk is right - it's definitely a missing closing tag for a nested table. I had the same problem on my site and I just started working backwards with the closing tags (from the original theme bottom upwards, inserting one tag at a time until it looked right) - not particularly elegant but I was too lazy to count the opening and corresponding closing tags. Good luck with your theme. :-) -Nils.


I was using good ol' notepad so it wasn't the WYSIWYG problem. The problem was - get this - the existing theme I was working with >:E. It was bugged originally in it self, but the bug only became evident when the templates were further advanced and customized. How nice.


Meep! Wasn't one of mine, was it? Smile Glad you got it sorted, though!

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