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Uploading Images With Articles


Hi. I've searched the articles and haven't found an answer so I guess I'll ask myself. I'm having trouble uploading images with an article. I get an error message that this particular image doesn't fit within height or width parameters. What's that about? What config file might that be in so I can change it? TIA - Matt http://www.idealrhombus.com

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The max. images sizes are hard coded in /path/to/geeklog/system/classes/upload.class.php as follows: $this->_maxImageWidth = 300; $this->_maxImageHeight = 300; $this->_maxFileSize = 1048576; // 1MB = 1048576 I would have thought this would be fine for all applications, but feel free to change them if they don't fit your needs. bye, Dirk


actually, I won't change them. I just wasn't sure what the limits are and rather than keep resizing the same image until I found out what it was, I I at least know what the limits are now. Thanks again.

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can't remember if i suggested this before, but a few of my users complained about this setting mainly because it doesn't tell you the limit restrictions, just that you cannot do it. So I edited the language file and listed the restrictions. Just a suggestion.

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One of the main uses of my website is to share pictures, so the hard coded limits just won't do. It's no big deal for me to manually change the hard coded values, but it would be much better when upgrading in the future if the limits were set in config.php (or someplace else). I also came across another problem with images -- if you increase $_CONF['maximagesperarticle'] beyond 5, you will get errors when submitting a new article with images, unless you also increase the hard-coded _maxFileUploadsPerForm in system/classes/upload.class.php. Is anyone working on alternate ways of handling images or plug-ins for photo albums? Andy

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Search for "gallery" and you will get lots to read ... I think the image upload feature is fine for what it was supposed to - to add some images to your stories. Photo albums should be handled by a plugin. Just my opinion, of course. bye, Dirk


Um, actually there are other reasons to add more images per article than using it for an album. I want to use GL to create tutorial articles. Those typically require a lot of images, mostly partial screenshots, to show examples.

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Registered: 07/12/02
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I also ran into this problem. I'm running GL 1.3.7. In 1.3.7, I didn't find any reference to a max file upload per form variable in the upload class php code. that said, there's still a hard-coded limit. I upaded maximagesperarticle to 20 and got 20 fields, but when I uploaded a few, I got an error saying the setting was 5 and I uploaded 17...(I had 3 images already uploaded before uploading more.) Wondering what the current status is on this bug...fixed in the latest stuff, just need to upgrade or not fixed yet.

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Image sizes are configurable from the config.php. There is still a hard limit of 5 images per story, so even if you increase the setting in config.php, you won't be able to have more than 5 images in a story. This is already listed on the BugTracker and is being looked into for the next release. bye, Dirk

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