Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 05:32 am EDT

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I've lost my data

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Registered: 05/13/02
Posts: 23
Posting a history my history data disapeared. but I had backed up my mysql/geeklog/ directory.

Is there any way to restore the data?? Is weird, because I restore the directory as is and it doesný works. Now I can't even enter the site:

1017: Can't find file: './geeklog/gl_blocks.frm' (errno: 13)

But the file exists. I run my own server and I'm the root, any ideas ??

THANKS in advance

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Registered: 05/13/02
Posts: 23
I was posting a history on my geeklog site. Suddenly on the body text of the history appeared a lot of php code (I don't know what gl file was) appended to my text (html mode). I had saved the history already in draft mode so I thought it would be better to delete it, I press DELETE button... then I lost my data .. only histories but all of them (20+)

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