Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 04:47 pm EST

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Help *Sigh*


Alright, after about a week of messing around with Geeklog 1.4 I finally got it installed. But now, im having more errors and cannot get them to stop, they only happen when I try to go to any file inside the /admin directory. These are the errors I continue on gettting:

Warning: Failed opening 'system/databases/mysql.class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /home/gtasour/public_html/rustware/system/lib-database.php on line 96
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: database in /home/gtasour/public_html/rustware/system/lib-database.php on line 99

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

I assume you are talking about Geeklog 1.3.4 ...

bye, Dirk



Yes, I am talking about 1.3.4.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

Okay, the first error you get is caused by system/lib-database.php, line 96 which reads

include_once($_CONF['path_system'] . 'databases/'. $_DB_dbms . '.class.php');

The only way to get the error you see here would be if $_CONF['path_system'] was empty - but I can't see how this could happen. Maybe you can poke around that area a bit to see what's going on ...

bye, Dirk

P.S. I see you also reported this as a bug on sourceforge.net. However, I'm sure it is not a bug but simply an installation issue (though an unusual one)



I 'poked' around that area for a few hours last night and got no luck. I can't see why it won't include the lib-database file and see no reason why it wouldn't. Should I just try installing a different version of GeekLog or continue to mess around with this?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany


it doesn't fail to include lib-database.php, it fails to include mysql.class.php (from within lib-database.php). And as the error message quite clearly states, that's because it looks for it in "system/databases" instead of "/path/to/geeklog/system/databases".

Hmm, now that I think about it ... What does $_CONF['path_system'] contain in your config.php? It should be something like "/path/to/geeklog/system/". Is it possible that you have only "system" in there?

bye, Dirk



That was the problem, thanks. Last time that I installed GL I didn't need to put the entire path into the system and other areas, just the relavent directory.

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