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Cant login


i installed GL without problems but if i want to login in the admin account, GL returns the loginpage again and again, without any results. I also cant creat a new account. How can this all be?? //- Dr3K

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

Two things:

  1. Make sure you have cookies enabled in your browser. Also in some version of IE, you need to lower your security settings before it works.
  2. Make sure you use the exact URL that you specified in $_CONF['site_url'], i.e. if the URL there includes "www.", don't try to login using the URL without "www." (and vice versa).

bye, Dirk



Funny! I have a problem similar to what you describe. If I login twice in the administrator menu, I can get in, but if I log in as a user I never get in. I can see that I'm online to the right on the menu, but it never says "Hello kbb" and the login menu in the left side stays!! This is beginning to piss me off since I've lowered all security settings in IE. My server is a Win2k, Apache2.0.39 and PHP4 with GL1.3.5sr2. Any suggestions??

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Registered: 06/30/02
Posts: 31
You're using Apache2 and PHP4 together on a production server? Anything is possible with this combination. The folks at php.net describe Apache2 support in PHP4 as experimental. There are issues with this combination and it's not recommeded that you do it. Regards, Neil Darlow M.Sc.

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Markus Guske

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Registered: 04/23/02
Posts: 6
Hi, I have the same Probs, but I used Apache 2.0. So I switched back to apache 1.3.26. PHP4 is up and running, Apache is up and running, Geeklog 1.3.5sr2 is up and running, but I can't login. I also lowered the security settings in IE5, but it does not help. Would it help, if I post some output from the phpinfo()-Function? Thanks in advance, Markus

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Markus Guske

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Registered: 04/23/02
Posts: 6
Hi, just found the problem. I have to change the cookie_path variable in the php.ini - file. If I change it to a windows-style pattern like c:\, everything works. Sorry, but I never thought that there were probs, because of a successful running gallery installation, which also uses sessions. Strange. - Markus

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Registered: 06/28/02
Posts: 4
Thank you, Dirk!!!! I have a dynamic DNS host and I'm always having to stick port numbers here and there, or use this or that domain. You kept me from ditching Geeklog. Your URL tip worked. :-) By the way, why is that necessary? Do you know?

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