Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, October 05 2024 @ 11:24 am EDT
Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.1.0 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher
New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
- [Improvement] Updated BrowserDetection Class to v2.9.5
- [Feature] Now can set gus to only look up IP once. After that it will always use the hostname found in the database user stats records
For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:
New feature:
- What's new Block entry
Current features:
- Automatic language switch according to user settings
- Two-dimensional topics (Tree)
- unlimited languages
- 999 Q&A per topic
- hitcounter (see geeklog stats page)
- search (integrated into geeklog search)
- upgrade function from v1.0 (run /admin/install.php)
Future features:
- Custom order of topics
- Comment and/or rating function
- Translation request function
Put Classifieds Ads on your site in minutes. See demo page
Classifieds plugin allows your site members to publish ads on your site. They can add pictures if necessary, modify and delete their ads at any time. Ads are online during a period that you can set. You can create as many headings and sub headings as necessary.
Version 1.3.2 | Jan. 22th, 2016
- [new] Move proversion files to data/classifieds_data folder to avoid delete during auto update
- [new] Warning message for no group with publish right or group list with publish right.
Enhanced by mthomas
Primary Plugin written by Oliver at Tokyoahead.com
---Uses Pear, file needed are included---
Adds the ability to back up commonly edited files and directories in Geeklog: (list is static atm)
See change file for details.
html5, css3, Using UIkit
Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.2.1 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher
New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
- [Improvement] Added back in support for Extending the User Preferences
- [Improvement] User lists now only show users with a status of active
- [Bug] Fixed undeclared variables
- [Bug] Fixed PHP warnings
- [Bug] Removed Config doc links since document not written yet
For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:
The primary difference with the existing links facility is that News Picks is a very rapidly changing and growing list of links.
This release addresses XSS in the forum's bbcode.
md5 checksum: 27d88f50006f2b7a104ab75c1a511184
The Hello Plugin allows you to write, save and send html emails to groups. As some mail agents don't support HTML or their users prefer to receive plain text messages, Hello plugin include a plain text message as an alternate for these users.
Hello plugin send also daily digest automaticaly if this function is activated in the main Geeklog config. You can set the number of emails to send per run to avoid server issue. You can also send daily digest when you publish a new article, or you can reset a user's daily digest settings (articles and forum) which will come in handy when the user's email address became invalid and emails start bouncing.
Version 2.1.1 Feb. 7th, 2016
- [new] add template location
- [new] switch to CKEditor
If upgrading please read the upgrade.txt file.
Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.1.2 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher
New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
- [Bug] Fixed an undefined variable error that could cause a sql error
For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:
to work with http://tv.muxlim.com.
Just a simple set of web forms used to create page of logo links, hence the name. This was developed for a person who has no HTML knowledge (otherwise a staticpage would have sufficed). This plugin also sports a nifty block that display some number of logos according to your admin default. It is a "thin" plugin, but can be made into much more quite simply--feel free. I may still add some more to it. Was developed on 1.3.11.
Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v2.2.0 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v7)
This version provides fixes to allow the plugin to work with PHP v7.0+ along with a few other enhancements.
For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see:
Navman plugin works in Geeklog 1.6.0 or later. It doesn't work in older.
(Ver0.1.1, 2010-3-8)
Fixed the problem which crashes immediately after updating the menuitem which set "URL matching string" by the regular expression mode.
(Ver0.2.0, 2010-10-11)
Support the breadcrumbs for Mediagallery plugin and Downloads plugin.