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Filemgmt Plugin Update Released

  • Sunday, March 19 2006 @ 03:32 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 16,060
Plugins A new version of the popular filemgmt plugin has been released which now supports the new comment API that was released with GL 1.4. This plugin requires GL 1.4 and will do a test when installing or updating.

The plugin now provides support for restricting permissions to categories as well as other changes, bug fixes and enhancements. Summary of version 1.5 changes

  • Support for GL 1.4 Comment API
  • Integrated Category security to restrict access to files for specific Groups only
  • Support for autotag - example [ file:10 ] or [ file: 10 here ]
  • Major overhaul of all screens to clean up HTML and use Generic Plugin CSS
  • Support for PHP settings register_globals and register_long_arrays now to be off
  • File Listing - main view pages are now templates for end-user theming
  • Integrated Update - via plugin Editor
  • Admin setup auto determines initial (default) settings for file repository
  • Integrated support for glMenu - see www.portalparts.com

April 2 update: Version 1.5.2 released

  • Bug fix with autotag corrected
  • Bug fix with search, showing un-approved files in results
  • If user has filemgmt.user right, delete comment feature is displayed
  • Changes to mysql syntax to support mysql 5
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