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1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'featured' at row 1.


I have Geeklog 1.5 installed. I also use Chameleon for my layout. This problem exists in both professional and chameleon but only for logged in users. The admin account has no problems posting a new story. The full error is:

1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'featured' at row 1. SQL in question: REPLACE INTO gl_stories (sid, uid, draft_flag, tid, date, title, introtext, bodytext, hits, numemails, comments, trackbacks, related, featured, show_topic_icon, commentcode, trackbackcode, statuscode, expire, postmode, advanced_editor_mode, frontpage, in_transit, owner_id, group_id, perm_owner, perm_group, perm_members, perm_anon) VALUES ('20080708153427484', '3', '0', 'General', FROM_UNIXTIME(1215545667), 'The story title', '<p>The story text</p>', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '1', '0', '0', '', FROM_UNIXTIME(1215545667), 'html', '0', '0', '1', '', '6', '3', '2', '2', '2'Wink

I also can't seem to figure out how to get the advanced editor to show up for registered users but it shows up fine for admin.

can anyone help with these issues?


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm, that's a new one ...

Does that happen with FCKeditor or with the "plain" HTML form?

bye, Dirk


Im not really familiar with the difference between the FCKeditor and the "plain" HTML form. What the user has is an editor that looks almost like the one the admin has but with a heck of a lot less buttons so I guess its the FCKeditor but with a stripped down toolbar.

I have also been trying to find a way to get the advanced editor to work with registered users too but i cant seem to do that.

I gave the user in question story admin .. he got the advanced editor and was able to post .. but when he tried to edit his post it said he didnt have permission .. so thats a bit confusing too.


Just to verify yes it is the FCKeditor im using to compose the story

I did fix the toolbar problem already but here is how it stands now:

User logged in tries to post a story they get the error:

Text Formatted Code
1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'featured' at row 1. SQL in question: REPLACE INTO gl_stories (sid, uid, draft_flag, tid, date, title, introtext, bodytext, hits, numemails, comments, trackbacks, related, featured, show_topic_icon, commentcode, trackbackcode, statuscode, expire, postmode, advanced_editor_mode, frontpage, in_transit, owner_id, group_id, perm_owner, perm_group, perm_members, perm_anon) VALUES ('20080708153427484', '3', '0', 'General', FROM_UNIXTIME(1215545667), 'The story title', '<p>The story text</p>', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '1', '0', '0', '', FROM_UNIXTIME(1215545667), 'html', '0', '0', '1', '', '6', '3', '2', '2', '2';)

User made into a Story Admin he can post without an error but if he tries to edit his post it says:

You are trying to access a story that you don't have rights to. This attempt has been logged. Please go back to the story administration screen.

And again this does this in both Professional layout and Chameleon layout

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I meant does this also happen when you disable FCKeditor (the "Advanced Editor" option in the Configuration)?

As for the story permissions, please see the FAQ: Setting up a Story Admin

bye, Dirk


Ok thanks for that link. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure it out .. I missed one step. I now have the story admin working fine with both standard and FCKeditor.

now back to the normal user story posting problem... When I turned of the advanced editor (sorry for misunderstanding) and tried to post a story with his account the error did change but the post still didn't work.
The new error was:

Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again later.

So that nasty error when using the FCKeditor and the above when advanced editor is off.

hope this helps

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:rtfm: Unfortunately, an error has occurred rendering this page. Please try again

Check your error.log for the actual error and post it here, please.

bye, Dirk


ok here is the error it shows up with .. seems like a problem with spamx and it gives the same error with both editors

2 - preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 5 @ [Path to geeklog installation]\geeklog\plugins\spamx\BlackList.Examine.class.php line 72

hope this means more to you than it does to me


I found a post on spamx and im going to see if the information is useful .. its the same error .. we will see



it was the same error but upon further reading it doesn't seem to address my issue

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
So, if I understand this correctly: When you switch off the advanced editor, normal users can post stories just fine. When you switch it back on, you get the above SQL error?

That should help us track down the problem. Thanks.

bye, Dirk


no actually with or without the advanced editor the standard registered user gets that error when posting
and in both professional and chameleon layouts


thanks for the help but I cant deal with it anymore ... I rebuilt my whole site from scratch little by little and it was working. Then I got an error with yet another incompatible plug-in that I rely on greatly. I then tried glFusion and built the site yet again from scratch and everything seemed to go well until my users couldn't sign in and I started getting 1364: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value on several different table queries.

I guess I upgraded a bit too quick. I am going build my site again once more with 1.4.1 and hope I can grab most of my data out of my old database. I will have to wait until 1.5 becomes a bit more compatible before attempting to upgrade again.


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FWIW, this only seems to happen for users that have story.submit but not full Story Admin permissions.

bye, Dirk

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Fixed in CVS.

bye, Dirk

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