Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, September 20 2024 @ 09:04 pm EDT

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How to integrate php code?


I have a php program that someone wrote for me, what methods can I use to integrate it into the standard GL environment.

The app will run under the Anonymous users group. And I dont need to have anyone login. I just want it to run in the main center area of GL.

Does that mean I have to create the GL header and footer on the fly to wrap the application?

Is there another way?


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Well, you have three main choices:

1) Call the header and footer geeklog functions around your code. This makes it act kinda like the Gallery integration. Check out many of the main Geeklog php files to see how they do this.

2) Stick your code in a php-enabled static page. This way is much easier if your php application is simple and only uses a single page.

3) If your code is really simple, you could even stick it in a block.

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Just to expand on Turias's post - you can refer to this FAQ

Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com


Thanks everyone, that worked great. Also I found it out while examining the 4images integration!!

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